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Bachelor of Applied Corrections (4 years) - Lethbridge Community College

Correctional Worker and Services Education in Canada

Crime and Fire Programs -- Community College Programs

Bachelor of Applied Corrections (4 years) - Lethbridge Community College

Combining theoretical and practical education, the Lethbridge Community College's 4-year Bachelor of Applied Corrections is designed to provide students the knowledge and skills for initial employment or career advancement in the field of Corrections. The Program provides for a flexible learning schedule as all the courses for its first 3 years are offered via Distributed Learning (distance education), and the 4th year can 'be completed in any location.' During the first 2 years of the Program, students will work towards a Diploma in Correctional Studies providing the with 'a comprehensive introduction to relevant course material and the criminal justice system.' In the 3rd year, students will build upon the knowledge attained through the Diploma and 'learn to assess and deal with emerging issues in Corrections' such as behavioural management, community justice, ethics, leadership, management, and victimology. The final year of the Program will be spent exclusively 'in a Directed Field Study;' this time can be spent either at the student's 'current correctional institution or agency,' if he/she is employed at one, or at a workplace chosen by the student. Upon successful completion of the Program, students will have earned both a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Diploma in Correctional Studies. Moreover, graduates will be 'eligible for acceptance into the Masters Degree in Integrated Studies through Athabasca University and the MA in Conflict Analysis and Management at Royal Roads University.'

The main goal of the Bachelor of Applied Corrections is for graduates to possess the knowledge and skills that meet or surpass the requirements for both entry level 'professional positions in federal and provincial jurisdictions' and for promotion 'in federal and provincial adult and young offender services' as established by the Correctional Service of Canada. However, employers might 'have additional requirements for employment, such as a valid driverĘs license, Standard First Aid and CPR' and thus students should 'maintain their credentials in these areas so that they are current at time of graduation.

Graduates of the Program typically pursue employment in various aspects of the criminal justice system including as Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers, Customs, Parole, or Probation Managers or Officers, Provincial and Federal Corrections Case Workers, Managers, Officers, or Supervisors, or Youth Work Managers or Supervisors. Students should be aware, however, that having a criminal record could be an obstacle to finding employment in corrections and other areas of the criminal justice system as many employers are reluctant to hire those with a criminal history.

Eligibility for admission to the Program is divided into 5 groups including Correctional Studies Diploma graduates, equivalent studies, transfer students, work experienced, and others. Applicants who 'have completed a Correctional Studies Diploma from Lethbridge Community College' will gain direct entry 'into the Bachelor of Applied Arts in Correctional Studies.' Applicants who have completed an equivalent program or studies, 'will be accepted into the program after being assessed on an individual basis to determine whether they are required to take bridging courses to meet degree outcomes.' Transfer students who are accepted and 'who receive advance credit must meet' the College's 'minimum residency requirements.' That is, transfer 'students may not receive advance credit for work completed at other institutions in excess of 75 per cent of the total credits required for graduation from' the College. Applicants with work experience are the only ones who are given open admission opportunities. Moreover, the latter group is 'eligible for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)' and 'will be exempted from pre-admission testing' that others may have to take. All other applicants will be 'considered on an individual basis by the Program Leader for acceptance into a program in an alternative or modified format.'


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