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DementiaGuide Inc. Jobs and Careers

Organizational Profile & Employment Opportunities

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DementiaGuide Inc.

Organization:DementiaGuide Inc.
Category: Health and Medicine - Dementia
Health and Medicine - Diseases
# of Employees:
Web Site URL:
Career URL:Employment at DementiaGuide Inc.
Location(s): Nova Scotia, Halifax

Description of DementiaGuide Inc.

DementiaGuide Inc. is dedicated to improving the lives of people living with dementia. From its beginnings in February 2000, our team has worked diligently to translate over 10 years of research and development for caregivers of persons with dementia to use as their companion to understand and manage symptoms of dementia, and in particular, Alzheimer's disease, a neurological disease that affects memory and behaviour. It is characterized by beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. There is no known cause but genetics and lifestyle are thought to play a role.. Our company is a federally incorporated, Halifax-based company whose goal is to provide up to date information for you to use to create your individualized care plan for symptom management and communication with physicians and family members.

Everyday we are learning more about dementia, we are fortunate to be in a position where we can take what we are learning about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and provide new knowledge to a wider community of people through the use of the Internet.

Job Postings at DementiaGuide Inc.

None at this time. Visit their website for more current job listings and career information.

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