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Canadian MBA Schools - Full-time vs Part-time MBAs

The decision of whether to study full-time or part-time for your MBA degree in Canada.

How long does it take to complete a MBA degree in Canada?

The decision of whether to pursue an MBA on a full-time or part-time basis will likely depend on your current personal, social, and employment circumstances. If any of the latter prevent you from full-time commitment to your studies, a part-time MBA may be best. However, whereas full-time MBAs in Canada range from 10 months to over 2 years, part-time MBAs can take up to 7 years to complete. Moreover, financial assistance may be limited or, in some cases, non-existent for part-time students as might be access to the school's recruitment services.

As a precaution, if you plan on a part-time MBA, you should inquire into how degrees earned this way are regarded by employers in the industry or sector in which you want to be employed because, in some cases, bias in favour of full-time degrees does exist. Just as you should determine if a specialized or general management MBA is preferred by employers in the industry or sector in which you aspire to work, so to should you investigate whether such employers have a preference for graduates who earned their respective degrees on a full-time or part-time schedule. To resolve this question, you may want to contact potential employers, school alumni, and/or the school's recruitment office directly.

Critera for Choosing a MBA School and Program

  1. Costs and benefits
  2. Specialized, general, or combined MBA
  3. Curriculum
  4. Teaching quality
  5. Reputation of the MBA school
  6. Cooperative MBA programs
  7. Distance MBA programs
  8. Full-time vs part-time MBAs
  9. Internationalized MBA
  10. Recruitment possibilities
  11. Rankings
  12. International accreditation
  13. Peer group
  14. Size of student population
  15. Competition
  16. Bilingualism/Linguistic choice

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