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Research Project Looks at Improving Quality of Life for Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

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September 16, 2005

Source: Lakehead University:

Research Project Looks at Improving Quality of Life for Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

(Thunder Bay – September 16, 2005) A Lakehead University Kinesiology student is looking for research participants in a 10-week yoga research program for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

As part of her Master’s research project, Jaime Kirstein will be determining if yoga affects balance, spasticity, mobility, and quality of life for people with MS. People who participate will need to make a twice-weekly commitment of a one-hour yoga session.

“Before coming to Lakehead U, I worked in physical rehabilitation with various groups of people including those with MS. I was so inspired by the people I worked with that I decided to do my Master’s project focusing on MS and physical rehabilitation,” Kirstein says. “In researching the needs of this group, it seemed that balance and mobility problems were common. There is some research out there that suggests that yoga is popular in the MS community, but other than reducing fatigue and improving mood, the physical effects of yoga are largely undocumented.”

Research in gerontology and aging has shown some success in improving balance and mobility through Tai Chi, Kirstein adds.

“The movements in Tai Chi are somewhat similar to what happens in yoga – slow controlled movements of the body’s centre of gravity over the feet. The moving around of the centre of gravity is what is thought to affect balance and mobility. Because of this relationship and the group structure of yoga, it seems that research in yoga for this group is important.”

Kirstein is looking for participants who have been diagnosed with MS and have problems with balance and/or mobility, but who are able to walk six metres twice in a short period of time, independently or using a walker/cane, and lean as far as possible for a period of 20 seconds without help. The program is expected to begin in October and last until mid-December. Kirstein’s Master’s project is being supervised by Dr. Jane Taylor, a faculty member of Lakehead U’s School of Kinesiology.

Interested participants should contact Kirstein at 345-5821 or, or Dr. Taylor at 343-8752 or There will be an information session on September 20 at 7 p.m. in SB-1028 in the CJ Sanders Fieldhouse at Lakehead U.

Members of the Media: Jaime Kirstein can be contacted directly by calling 345-5821.

Contact: Marla Tomlinson, Office of Communications, 807-343-8177 or 807-472-9113.



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