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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Boise State University

Paralegal Programs in Idaho - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho.

School: Boise State University

Location: Boise, Idaho

Program Name: Legal Assistant Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Certificate


The Paralegal Studies program at Boise State University is approved by the American Bar Association. The course includes classes which teach general and specific skills which are required by a paralegal. It includes law related topics such as corporate law, real estate and property law, civil litigation and legal ethics and procedures. There is also a paralegal internship program where you can work in a law office to gain experience and knowledge. This is organized on an individual basis.

Upon completion of the program at Boise State University, you are awarded a Certificate of Completion of the Paralegal Studies Program. You can also use your credits for a Paralegal Studies minor.

As a paralegal, you are expected to perform certain duties such as conducting legal research, preparing trial notes and sometimes looking after the administration of the office. All the duties you perform are under supervision of a lawyer. As a paralegal, you cannot take up a case on your own but work as an assistant to an attorney.

The Boise State University Paralegal Studies program was established in 1991. It is located in Boise, Idaho. There are ways in which people can contribute to running the program. Donations are collected for the Denise O’Donnell Day Scholarship or directly for the program. Many students have benefited by these donations and graduates have gone on to become successful paralegals in law firms and legal departments of corporations and banks.

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