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Georgia Paralegal and Legal Assistant Programs

Paralegal Programs in the United States - Paralegal Programs and Jobs in Canada

Paralegal and legal assistant programs and courses offered by colleges and universities in the US state of Georgia. Detailed profiles and contact information are provided for each Georgia paralegal program. Graduates of paralegal programs, in Georgia or elsewhere in the United States, are employed in the legal profession usually working as an assistant to a lawyer helping with managing cases, preparing legal documents, maintaining records and files, and researching and analyzing.

Universities or colleges in Georgia: Paralegal/Legal Assistant Education

Athens Technical College, Athens
Program Name: Paralegal Studies Program
Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate in Arts

Description: Athens Technical College is based in the city of Athens, Georgia. It provides around 34 programs in fields such as business, health, technical, law and manufacturing. The paralegal studies associate degree of the college is approved by the American Bar Association. Students require at least 115 quarter credit hours to earn their degree. Those who graduate can get jobs as legal assistants.

Gainesville College, Gainesville
Program Name: Legal Assistant Program
Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate Degree

Description: Gainesville College offers a paralegal program, which awards an Associate degree and a Certificate. The faculty consists of practicing attorneys thus providing a complete hands-on training to students. Graduates can be assured of an entry-level job as a paralegal. The extra curricular activities of the college help in enhancing the campus experience.

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