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Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

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Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences - Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu

English language section of Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences strives towards providing professional expertise and activities of research and development for fulfilling the requirements of working life. The university provides a broad range of degree programs to aspiring students wishing to do something big in life.

Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences has opened its doors for exciting opportunities for career development right from the graduation level. The teaching faculty of the university is committed to academic excellence and specialization in various areas having global importance.

Students studying in this university find themselves refining their entrepreneurial skills and increasing their global awareness in association with industry and services.

Study Fields
Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences imparts studies in Culture & Natural Sciences, Humanities & Education, Natural Resources & Environment, Social Services, Tourism, Health & Sports, Catering & Domestic Services, Technology, Social Sciences, Communication & Transport, and Business & Administration. There are about 20 degree programs in this university.

Other Services
The university consists of an International Office that provides different services for working life viz; English courses, diploma works for students for companies, international training in different fields, projects in association with companies, global contacts, and improving the dexterity of office staff.


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