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Norwegian Police University College, Norway

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Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Norwegian Police University College, Norway

Norwegian Police University College - Politihøgskolen

English language section of Norwegian Police University College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

The Norwegian Police University College was established in 1992 and received its accreditation as a University College in 2004. It is the main institution for police training in Norway. The college provides a three-year education program, which leads to a Bachelor’s degree. The three-year course teaches the students about society and the role of police in it. It lays emphasis on the duties that the police need to uphold. The training includes practical and theoretical lessons.

The police-training program at the Norwegian Police University College aims at teaching students about the different aspects of being in the Norwegian police. It provides them training in the controlling, enforcing, and preventive aspects of the job. The students gain the knowledge and skills required for carrying out their responsibilities as police officers. There is a lot of importance given to teaching professional ethics.

The three-year course is divided into two years of theory at college and one year of practical experience. The college offers further education programs, which can be taken in long or short duration courses. Apart from learning general skills and knowledge, students can get specialized training. The main areas of specialization are, crime investigation and prevention, policing tasks and prosecution as well as leadership program. Research work is also conducted at the college in all aspects of police operations. A master’s degree is going to be introduced as well.


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