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Queen Maud's College of Early Childhood Education, Norway

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Queen Maud's College of Early Childhood Education, Norway

Queen Maud's College of Early Childhood Education - Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for førskolelærerutdanning

English language section of Queen Maud's College of Early Childhood Education

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Queen Maud's College of Early Childhood Education is the proud recipient of the Gender Equality Prize for recruiting men in the field of early childhood education. The institution participates in Nordplus, Socrates and the Erasmus exchange programs. The institution also plays an important role in pre-school teaching in Southern African countries. The institution aims to impart education and training to pre-school teachers. Students are offered the chance to get post-graduate education in association with Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

Queen Maud's College of Early Childhood Education offers students and teachers an opportunity to gain experience abroad via the exchange programs. This adds to their experience and helps them be better equipped as students and teachers. A 12 week program is offered in English each year. The students are offered four bachelor's program, which are mainly taught in Norwegian. The students are trained to make them competent in teaching and imparting education to students aged 0-6 years. This helps them get employed in educational institutions and childcare centers. Students can complete the bachelor's program in 3 years and the master's program in 6 years. The institution also imparts education to students with special needs such as those who are deaf.

Queen Maud's College of Early Childhood Education offers programs with a flexible mode of education with classes held in the afternoon and weekend, which can be completed in duration of 4 years. Students can focus on Drama, Nature, Art, Music, and Outdoor Activities.


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