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Trondheim Business School, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Trondheim Business School, Norway

Trondheim Business School - Avdeling Trondheim økonomiske høgskole

English language section of Trondheim Business School

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Business

Institution Profile

Trondheim Business School is located in Moholt, Trondheim, Norway. It is now a part of the Sør-Trøndelag University College. It is one of Norway's first business schools and offers students programs in both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Students can take up Bachelor's programs in business administration, auditing and accounting that have duration of three years. Students can also take up Master's programs in business and public administration. Students are also offered one year of the undergraduate program in English.

Trondheim Business School follows the ECTS credit system with grades awarded from A to F. Students need to secure a minimum grade E in order to successfully clear their examinations. The students have access to a well stocked library that has many journals and books. The latest teaching aids are also used to make it easier for the instructors to train the students. State-of-the-art facilities and the latest in technology also add to the learning experience. Students are trained using project works, problem based learning, group work, lectures and work experience.

Trondheim Business School has established relationship with several international institutions and it also aims to establish a Business School in Kaliningrad State University in Russia within the next few years. The faculty members benefit from the interaction with the other educational institutions. The students also have the opportunity to participate in cultural and sporting activities. Student accommodation is also available at reasonable rates near the institution.


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