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Vestfold University College, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Vestfold University College, Norway

Vestfold University College - Høgskolen i Vestfold

English language section of Vestfold University College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Vestfold University College is recognized as a medium sized university college with some 3000 strong student population. The teaching staff numbers around 230. The college presently has around 70 administrative staff. The university college has two campuses. The main campus is located at Bakketeigen, Horten and the other campus is at Tonsberg, Eik.

Vestfold University College is made up of five faculties. Bachelor and master degree programs are offered at the Faculty of Health and Science, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Maritime Studies, and Faculty of Social Sciences. Faculty of Education is located at the Tonsberg campus.

The college offers bachelor degrees in social sciences and maritime studies. Masters and bachelor degrees are offered in the fields of education, engineering, and health. The college offers five masters programs. At present, however, the college has no bachelors programs in English. It does have one master program in English. Faculty of Education offers a course called A Norwegian Cultural Journey, which carries 30 ECTS course and is taught in English.

Master of Microsystems Technology is offered in English. In fact, the college is known as the main academic center for Microsystems technology in Norway. Research is done in micro-sensors, micro-actuators, micro energy sources, biomedical microsystems, and nanotechnology.

Besides offering excellent choices in fields of study, Vestfold University College also offers very beautiful surroundings to its students. Vestfold County is located in the southern part of Norway. With pleasant climate and beautiful surroundings, Vestfold University College is an ideal place for academic pursuits.


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