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Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music, Sweden

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music, Sweden

Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music - Luleå tekniska universitet - Musik och medier

English language section of Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Fine Arts and Design

Institution Profile

The history of the foundation of the Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music dates back to the year 1950 when the Framnäs high school of music was founded. The school got its current format and was declared as an independent institution with Luleå University in the year 1978. The music school at present is situated in Piteå.

A per the current statistics, the total number of students studying in the Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music is over eight hundred. The school offers a wide range of courses in a variety of subject areas associated with music. Some of the programs offered by the university include programs for church musicians, postgraduate diploma program in composition, postgraduate program for studio musicians, programs for music arrangement and composition, media pedagogy, and study program for multi media producers.

The Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music offers a wide range of courses in music through various master classes, recitals, and lectures. The school also offers a wide range of post graduate courses for professional musicians and teachers.

Students passing out from the Luleå University of Technology - Piteå School of Music get an opportunity to make their career in music in Radio Production, choir conducting or as studio musicians and church musicians.


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