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Stockholm School of Theology, Sweden

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Stockholm School of Theology, Sweden

Stockholm School of Theology - Teologiska högskolan Stockholm

English language section of Stockholm School of Theology

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Seminary and Theological

Institution Profile

Based in Bromma, Sweden, the Stockholm School of Theology offers a range of programs for students who are interested in the various aspects of theology. These programs are available in both full time and part time formats to suit the convenience of the student. The college is an independent institution which currently has around 600 students on its rolls. At the moment, the college offers no scholarships for any of its courses.

The Stockholm School of Theology offers a theology program that covers four years of study and results in a bachelor's degree. The majority of the courses are taught in Swedish while some are taught in English. Students learn about subjects such as biblical studies and gain knowledge in practical aspects like field courses. Students may also pursue a teacher's training program for religious studies though this course requires fluency in the Swedish language.

On offer here is a thematic education course on human rights and democracy. The period of this course is two years and on successful completion of the program, the student receives a university diploma on human rights. The course consists of a number of small study units and students can opt for either individual units or the complete program. The aim of this program is to imbibe instruction in a case-oriented and practical approach. Students learn about aspects like Human Rights Conventions as Practical Tools and Religion and Conscience. Students must be fluent in Swedish for admission to this course.


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