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UW student represents Canada at global youth forum on information and communications

November 15, 2006

Source: University of Waterloo

WATERLOO, Ont. (Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2006) -- The federal government has selected University of Waterloo student Rebecca Baxter to represent Canada at the youth forum of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) conference to be held Dec. 3-8 in Hong Kong, China.

In its fifth year, the youth forum at the ITU's Telecom World Event brings together top students from 150 countries who have the vision and talent to assume future key leadership roles in the global information and communications areas.

Rebecca Baxter, a fourth-year science and business student, will join more than 250 young people from around the world as one of two students chosen from Canadian universities.

"The opportunity to attend this conference in Hong Kong and represent the youth of Canada is incredible," Baxter said. "I look forward to understanding the nature and potential of the global communications industry. I am excited to be a part of discussions regarding the future and direction of this industry and hearing the opinions and ideas of the international community."

"We applaud the government of Canada in choosing Rebecca as their female youth representative at 2006 ITU World," said Owen Ward, director of UW's science and business program and a professor of biology.

He added that Baxter won the 2006 Ontario Global Trader's Student Achievement Award for her co-op work terms with Apotex Inc., a leading Canadian global pharmaceutical company.

"Rebecca's co-op academic program at UW is designed to produce outstanding scientists enriched with business for a global economy which needs graduates who combine their technical and business strengths with effective electronic and personal communication skills," he said.

"Rebecca's excellence in these areas has been previously recognized by the Ontario government and she is indeed a great ambassador for Canada and for the Waterloo science and business program."

The youth forum runs alongside the Telecom event, which showcases the latest technologies and promotes in-depth discussions on key issues facing the industry through a comprehensive, wide-ranging program.

It draws youth from around the world to participate in talks, debates and interactive panel discussions relating to facts and experiences about information and communication technology.

The forum, designed to offer participants a life-changing experience, helps them understand the nature and potential of the global information and communications industry, as well as encouraging them to embark upon careers as engineers, policy-makers and business people.

The selection of each participant is based on an essay exploring how to apply information and communications technology to improve living conditions for people around the world.

Youth forum participants will benefit from opportunities to interact and develop mentor relationships with senior members of the information and communication technology sector -- government officials, industry executives, technology leaders, content providers and strategists.

The participants come from both highly developed and least developed countries. This year, the list of participants has grown to include, for the first time, students from Belize, Cuba, Gabon, Lao, Paraguay and Qatar.



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