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Space Tourism Innovator to Speak at U of G

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October 11, 2005

Source: University of Guelph:

Space Tourism Innovator to Speak at U of G

The creator of the da Vinci Project, considered to be one of the leading global competitors in the emerging market of space tourism, will give a free lecture at the University of Guelph's Arboretum Centre Oct. 17 at 2:30 p.m. The lecture is part of the Canada Foundation for Innovation's annual public meeting that is being held at U of G for the first time.

Brian Feeney has designed and developed what is considered to be the world's largest reusable helium balloon, weighing more than 4,000 pounds and capable of lifting a spacecraft to a launch altitude of 70,000 feet.

Feeney was the first Canadian contender for the prestigious X-Prize, a competition that challenges teams to build and fly private spaceships and draws entrants from around the world. He will discuss the project's history and milestones as well as the infrastructure, facilities and equipment for research and development and future operations.



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