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CBC and Hockey Back to Normal?

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October 5, 2005

Source: University of Western Ontario:

CBC and Hockey Back to Normal?

London, ON. - The following contacts at The University of Western Ontario can provide further comment on the future of the CBC and on the start of the National Hockey League season.

Glenn Rowe is the Paul MacPherson Chair in Strategic Leadership and a professor at Western's Richard Ivey School of Business. He is currently conducting several studies on the NHL. Rowe can be reached at (519) 661-3299 or

"There is a lot riding on this NHL season. The NHL is hoping the salary cap will create greater parity than they have had in the past. They believe more parity will lead to more exciting games, which will mean more revenue."

Michael Nolan, professor emeritus in the Faculty of Information & Media Studies, is a former Canadian news reporter and anchor who specializes in broadcasting history. He can be reached for comment at (519) 661-2111 ext. 86673 (office) or (519) 672-7838 (home).

"It was probably the pressure of Hockey Night in Canada starting that brought both sides into talks. They have to worry about revenue and numbers and the show brings in huge amounts of money through the advertisements. I don't think the CBC should need to rely on hockey games for its survival. I really think the future of CBC is to become a PBS of the north. TV channels are becoming so specialized that I think CBC has to take that stance as well and offer specialized programs for Canadians."

Media contact: Christine Roulston, Communications & Public Affairs, Communications and Public Affairs, The University of Western Ontario, (519) 661-2111 ext. 85165.

Commentary reflects the perspective and scholarly interest of Western faculty members and is not an articulation of official university policy on issues being addressed.

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