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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Briarwood College

Paralegal Programs in Connecticut - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Briarwood College in Southington, Connecticut.

School: Briarwood College

Location: Southington, Connecticut

Program Name: Legal Assistant/Paralegal Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate Degree


Briarwood College is situated at Southington in Connecticut. It was founded in 1966 as the Briarwood Secretarial School, it was renamed Briarwood College in 1979. There are approximately 650 students in the college, both full and part time. Some students come from foreign countries to study here.

Briarwood College offers an Associate in Applied Science degree program in Paralegal Studies which is approved by the American Bar Association. Paralegals are an essential part of law firms as they are assistants to lawyers and do most of the groundwork for cases. The program teaches and trains students on various topics and skills required to become legal assistants. Some topics taught are legal applications, legal office procedures and real estate law.

Upon completion of this program, graduates will be ready to get an entry level paralegal position. They will be able to conduct research, maintain legal ethics and critically analyze facts for various cases. They will also be aware of the fact that they have to work under the supervision of an attorney as it is illegal for paralegals to practice law.

Briarwood College offers financial aid to those students who cannot afford the tuition fees and yet deserve to study at the college. There are various scholarships, grants and loans available. You will need to apply for these aids directly to the college. There is also an option of working on campus part-time as well as studying there.

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