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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: California State University - Los Angeles

Paralegal Programs in California - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at California State University - Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California.

School: California State University - Los Angeles

Location: Los Angeles, California

Program Name: Certificate Program in Paralegal Studies

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate


California State University of Los Angeles is sited in the city of Los Angeles, California. It offers a Certificate Program in Paralegal Studies. Paralegals are people who work at law offices, businesses or government agencies and perform delegated legal work. This work includes research, conducting interviews, preparing documents and performing investigations.

The Paralegal Certificate program of California State University of Los Angeles has been fully approved by the American Bar Association since 1978. The course offers year-round, non-degree credit and awards Certificates of Completion to students who meet the requirements of one or more "tracks" of study such as Litigation, Corporate and General.

Each track comprises eight legal specialty courses or 32 quarter units. Students are allowed to study for multiple tracks, since the tracks have been designed to allow the transfer of several courses between specialty areas. Paralegals at California State University of Los Angeles are trained in legal terminology, legal ethics, research techniques, writing legal documents like contracts and interviewing witnesses.

Three Manuel Hidalgo paralegal scholarships are awarded twice a year with preference to Latino students. Tuition Assistance is available through the Educational Resources Institute. Students who are members of the Los Angeles Paralegal Association are eligible for a 10 percent discount on tuition fees. The program provides internships, job-seeking tips and resume-writing for paralegals. It also has partnerships within the legal community for placement assistance.

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