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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Central Texas College

Paralegal Programs in Texas - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Central Texas College in Killeen, Texas.

School: Central Texas College

Location: Killeen, Texas

Program Name: Paralegal Studies Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate Degree


Central Texas College is located in Killeen, Texas. It offers an Associate in Applied Science degree program in Paralegal Studies. It is one of four colleges in Texas to have the approval of the American Bar Association for its Paralegal Program. This program is designed to prepare students to secure entry to law firms or other organizations with legal departments as paralegals.

A paralegal is a trained and qualified professional who assists an attorney with the handling of cases. The paralegal performs duties such as legal research, fact investigation and legal documentation, under the supervision of the attorney. To be a paralegal, you need to have proper training which you can get at Central Texas College under its Paralegal Studies Program.

The Paralegal Program usually takes two years and is a 72 credit hour program. This can be completed quicker if a student takes both day and evening classes. There are three semesters in a year and a student may begin his classes in any semester. There are a couple of online classes also offered each semester. There is a Law library at the campus where students are able to conduct extensive research through books as well as online.

Central Texas College was founded over forty years ago and has its main campus in Killeen, Texas and over a hundred locations all over the world. The college offers daytime, evening and online classes.

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