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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Eastern Michigan University

Paralegal Programs in Michigan - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

School: Eastern Michigan University

Location: Ypsilanti, Michigan

Program Name: Legal Assisting Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Bachelor of Science


Eastern Michigan University has been in the profession of educating students since 1849. It is located in the city of Ypsilanti in Michigan, USA. Currently, there are more than 24,000 students from around the world who are registered in different programs at the university. Student accommodation is available through seven residence halls.

Paralegal Courses available at Eastern Michigan University include an Undergraduate Program and a Second Bachelor's Degree. The Undergraduate Program is designed for students who do not have a four year bachelor degree. To graduate from this program, students need to collect at least 124 semester hours of credit. This includes a minimum of 50 hours of Basic Studies courses and 59 hours of Program Courses.

The Second Bachelor's Degree at Eastern Michigan University is meant for students who currently possess a four-year college degree from an accredited college or university. This option allows students to earn a second Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Legal Assistant Studies with 42 to 44 semester hours of study. Both programs are approved by the American Bar Association.

The basic studies courses of the program provide students with a rich liberal arts background. Evening and weekend classes exist for the comfort of working students. A well stocked library enables students to browse for study material. Internships are available for those who complete the course. In fact, most students are employed within three months of graduating.

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