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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: James A. Rhodes State College

Paralegal Programs in Ohio - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at James A. Rhodes State College in Lima, Ohio.

School: James A. Rhodes State College

Location: Lima, Ohio

Program Name: Paralegal/Legal Assisting Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate in Arts, Associate in Applied Science, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate


Approved by the American Bar Association, the Legal Assisting program at James A. Rhodes State College in Lima, Ohio provides training to students by giving them a basic knowledge of law, legal principles and business courses. The students receive extensive practical training as well as theoretical lessons that prepare them for the paralegal profession.

The course includes enhancing skills such as computer application in legal research, legal writing, accounting and analytical skills. Students are required to practice certain legal tasks in their classes related to family law, bankruptcy, criminal law and real estate. They extensively study topics like Business Law, Litigation and Trial Procedures, and Legal Research and Writing. At the end of the course, the students participate in an internship program where they work in a legal setting under the supervision of an attorney. This provides them with practical experience which helps in their future career.

There are several job opportunities for paralegals. They have become an invaluable part of a lawyer’s team. These legal assistants complete many of the legal tasks that are the responsibility of the lawyer thus increasing the efficiency of the lawyer. Under supervision of the lawyer, the paralegals conduct legal research, interview clients, draft legal documents and prepare trial notes.

James A. Rhodes State College started off as Lima Technical College in 1971 and was renamed in 2002 after the former governor of Ohio.

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