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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Kirkwood Community College

Paralegal Programs in Iowa - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

School: Kirkwood Community College

Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Program Name: Legal Assistant Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate Degree


Kirkwood Community College was founded in 1966 and moved to its location at Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1968. It offers more than a hundred career and college transfer programs and over a thousand non-credit courses. The Paralegal Studies program of Kirkwood is approved by the American Bar Association. The course awards an Associate of Arts degree and an Associate of Science degree. The program is designed to prepare students to gain entry level positions as paralegals in legal departments and law firms. It also helps practicing paralegals to develop their career skills. The program provides a strong foundation for students who wish to go on to law school.

The course extensively covers all relevant topics such as torts, legal ethics, civil litigation, legal research and writing. It builds your communication and analytical skills. There is an internship program at the end of the course, which provides the students with practical and valuable experience working under the supervision of a practicing lawyer in a legal office.

Kirkwood Community College offers a wide variety of services to students such as campus health services, child care center, housing, student clubs and a recreation center. There is a student development center, which helps students with career counseling and personal issues. Financial aid is available to those who are eligible for it through grants and scholarships. Currently 60 percent of the students at Kirkwood receive some sort of financial aid.

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