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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Lake Erie College

Paralegal Programs in Ohio - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Lake Erie College in Painesville, Ohio.

School: Lake Erie College

Location: Painesville, Ohio

Program Name: Legal Studies Program

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Bachelor of Science


The Lake Erie College in Painesville, Ohio offers a Legal Studies program which awards a Bachelor of Science Degree to its graduates. The Legal Advisory Committee consisting of lawyers, paralegals and judges, provides guidance and supervision to the program. The Legal Studies program is approved by the American Bar Association.

The Legal Studies program enhances the communication and analytical skills of the students. Students are taught the basic principles of law and legal ethics, and are trained in legal research and writing. Topics included in the course are criminal law, civil litigation, business law and constitutional law. Students are required to complete 52 hours of course work in these areas. There are classes where students practice legal tasks and have mock trials to give them practical information. The internship program at the end of the course provides valuable work experience under the supervision of a lawyer.

Upon graduating from the Legal Studies program, students have gone on to become paralegals in law firms, government agencies, financial institutions and insurance companies. Many choose to graduate law school and become lawyers.

At the Lake Erie College, there are several activities where students can pursue academic as well as personal interests. Organizations such as the Business Students Association, dance team, psychology club and the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association aim to provide students a way to enrich their college experience.

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