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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: Missouri Western State College

Paralegal Programs in Missouri - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at Missouri Western State College in St. Joseph, Missouri.

School: Missouri Western State College

Location: St. Joseph, Missouri

Program Name: Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate in Science, Bachelor in Science, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate


The Missouri Western State College is located in St. Joseph, Missouri. The college Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies offers a legal assistant program approved by the American Bar Association. This is the only one of its kind being approved in a public educational institution in Missouri. The American Association for Paralegal Education has listed the Legal Assistant program as a charter member.

Degree Programs At Missouri College

The college in St. Joseph offers two degree programs depending on your career objectives. There is an associate and bachelor degree in Criminal Justice for those who want to practice law. For those who want to associate themselves with the legal world, the college offers associate degree and bachelor degree in paralegal studies.

Paralegals are not authorized to practice law, but they work as legal assistants. They have great chances of working with private and public law firms, corporate legal departments, and several other government offices. As a paralegal student, you have a choice to specialize in various fields of law.

So, if you have a sense of integrity, sound judgment power, can shoulder responsibility, and work under pressure, then paralegal studies is the one for you. Missouri Western State College will make you a better citizen of Missouri.

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