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Profile of Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program: South College

Paralegal Programs in Tennessee - Paralegal Programs in the United States

Description and details about the paralegal or legal assistant program at South College in Knoxville, Tennessee.

School: South College

Location: Knoxville, Tennessee

Program Name: School of Legal Studies

Degrees/Certificates/Diplomas: Associate in Science, Bachelor of Science


South College, Tennessee started in 1882, as a branch of Nashville Business College in Knoxville, Tennessee. Formerly Knoxville Business College, South College offers baccalaureate degree programs in various fields, including the Associate Degree Program in Paralegal Studies. Additionally, specific certificate programs like the Legal Office Assistant can also be sought.

The Paralegal Studies Program Overview

The Paralegal Studies Program at the South College offers an Associate of Science Degree in Paralegal Studies. The program includes various courses form relevant fields to impart an overall education base for beginning a career in the legal assistance field. The key courses are, Business Law, Civil Litigation, Computers in the Legal Office, Criminal Law, Domestic Law, Estate Planning and Probate, Introduction to Paralegalism, Legal Research and Writing, Real Estate Law, & Torts and Remedies.

The Paralegal Studies Program in addition to the stated courses also extends an extensive 120 hour paralegal internship schedule, which is under the supervision of a seasoned professional. This internship program has been devised specifically to ensure that to students can well familiarize with the practicalities of the work. Completion of this internship program implies that the enrollees, to a large extent, are equipped to take up positions in various law settings.

The Paralegal Studies program, South College has been drafted to extend quality education to all students while at the same time inculcating the ethical standards desired by the profession.

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