Volunteer in Alberta, Canada
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Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in Alberta offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in Alberta.
If your organization is located in Alberta and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.
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Storybook Theatre Society
2633 Hochwald Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta
StoryBook Theatre has been revisioned to offer Calgary audiences a quality theatre going experience with shows offered throughout the season for the entire family. All shows will be rated with an acceptable age appropriateness. All shows will offer amateur actors an opportunity to work with working theatre professionals enabling them to grow as performers and offer our audience a quality theatrical experience.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Storybook Theatre Society
Strathcona County Heritage Foundation
913 Ash Street, Sherwood Park, Alberta
The Museum has been very successful and beneficial to residents and visitors of Strathcona County. It has received thousands of visitors and hosted hundreds of guided tours including schools, seniors, clubs and organizations. With the assistance of thousands of hours donated by volunteers, the Foundation has collected over 18,000 artifacts and 140 metres of archives. In tribute to these contributions a Commemorative Lasting Recognition Wall is located in the lobby of the Museum.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Strathcona County Heritage Foundation
Strathcona County Victim Services
911 Bison Way, Sherwood Park, Alberta
We operate in conjunction with the RCMP to provide agency referral and information to victims of crime and trauma in Strathcona County. We have a small staff and could not effectively operate without volunteers.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Strathcona County Victim Services
Strathcona Place
10831 University Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Strathcona Place Senior Centre is a charitable organization whose aim is to assist seniors in Southwest Edmonton
Keywords: Seniors
· Independence
Volunteer Profile of Strathcona Place
Strathcona Tweedsmuir School
RR 2, Okotoks, Alberta
At Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School, students thrive in a culture of academic excellence. Students are empowered in their learning and strive to exceed their own expectations for achievement.
STS supplements the standard Alberta Education curriculum with the International Baccalaureate Programme beginning in the Elementary with the IB Primary Years Programme, moving to Middle School with the IB Middle Years Programme and ending with the IB Diploma Programme in Senior School. Excellence in teaching and learning is fostered through critical thinking and inquiry. Throughout our students' years at STS, we focus on new and effective practices, incorporating current research and literature into all of our courses.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Strathcona Tweedsmuir School
Strathmore Handi-Bus Association
680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, Alberta
The Strathmore Handi-bus provides safe, courteous, timely and cost-effective transportation service to the elderly and/or physically handicapped residents of the Town of Strathmore and Wheatland County. The Strathmore Handi-bus enables clients to continue to reside at home while attending vital medical appointments and participating in their active communities.
Keywords: Seniors
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Strathmore Handi-Bus Association
Streets Alive Family Support Association
323 - 4th Street S, Lethbridge, Alberta
Streets Alive Mission in Lethbridge, AB, is dedicated to bringing hope to those who have none, by building relationships with the disenfranchised, through a variety of volunteer driven programs.
Keywords: Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Streets Alive Family Support Association
Student Legal Services of Edmonton
11011 88 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta
Student Legal Services of Edmonton (SLS) is a student-managed, non-profit society dedicated to helping low income individuals with legal issues in the Edmonton area. Each year, over 250 students from the University of Alberta Faculty of Law volunteer with SLS.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Student Legal Services of Edmonton
Sunrise Community Link Resource Centre Society
3509 17th Ave SE, 2nd Floor, Calgary, Alberta
Sunrise is a grassroots community development agency and resource centre engaged in poverty reduction and community economic capacity building in East Calgary.
Keywords: Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Sunrise Community Link Resource Centre Society
Sylvan Lake Volunteer Centre
4926-50th Avenue, Sylvan Lake, Alberta
In Sylvan Lake, we recognize the essential contributions that our volunteers give to the community. The gift of the time that they donate is an integral part of Sylvan Lake. We appreciate all the volunteers that are willing to contribute to our community.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
Volunteer Profile of Sylvan Lake Volunteer Centre
Taber & District Community Adult Learning Association
5011- 49 Avenue, Box 12, Provincial Building, Taber, Alberta
Taber & District Community Adult Learning is a community based association that provides access to programs, courses and services related to education, career and employment, business, literacy and English as Second Language.
Keywords: Employment and Careers
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Taber & District Community Adult Learning Association
Taber and District Health Foundation
4326 50 Avenue, Taber, Alberta
The Mission of Taber & District Health Foundation is to give the community an opportunity to participate in raising funds which provides financial support for the best possible healthcare in a positive, healing, compassionate environment for the Taber Health Centre. The Foundation will ensure that all funds received are managed prudently and that all funds are dispersed in keeping with the wishes of the donor.
Keywords: Health
Volunteer Profile of Taber and District Health Foundation
Terra Association - Meeting the Challenge of Teen Pregnancy
9930 106 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta
Terra is a non-profit organization that provides supports and services that empower teen parents to succeed.
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Terra Association - Meeting the Challenge of Teen Pregnancy
The Alberta Army Cadet League
61 Hunterhorn Crescent NE, Calgary, Alberta
The Army Cadet League of Canada is a civilian organization which acts in partnership with the Department of National Defence and individual Corps sponsors, to provide for the Royal Canadian Army Cadets in Canada. The League has branches in each of the ten provinces and three territories. This website highlights the Army Cadet League of Canada - Alberta Branch.
Keywords: Military
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Alberta Army Cadet League
The Alex Community Health Centre
1308 Centre St N, Suite 101, Calgary, Alberta
For more than 40 years, The Alex has listened and responded to the needs of Calgarians. We provide primary medical care and housing support to our most vulnerable neighbours, tackling tough health and social issues head-on. Our focus is crisis prevention, and our team of professionals work hard to to step in before long-term interventions are needed.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of The Alex Community Health Centre
The Alexandra Writers' Centre Society
922 - 9th Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta
The Alexandra Writers' Centre Society aims to bring writers together. We provide a relaxed, friendly and encouraging environment where writers of all ages and abilities feel safe learning the craft and sharing the difficulties of the writing experience.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of The Alexandra Writers' Centre Society
The Arthritis Society La Societe D'arthrite
Branch: Alberta & NWT Division
200, 1301 8th St. SW, Calgary, Alberta
The Arthritis Society is dedicated to a vision of living well while creating a future without arthritis. The Society is Canada's principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of The Arthritis Society
The Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured
3412 Spruce Drive S.W., Calgary, Alberta
ARBI provides intensive community-based rehabilitation and family support in a nurturing environment. With personalized rehab, and lots of encouragement, survivors can once again enjoy fulfilling lives in their communities.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of The Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured
The Association of Volunteer Centres of Alberta
10113 104 St, Suite 217 Birks Building, Edmonton, Alberta
We are an inclusive member association that serves and represents Alberta's diverse nonprofit organizations. We are a voice for the value of volunteerism and the nonprofit sector, encouraging participation and collaboration that contributes to the common good in Alberta.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Association of Volunteer Centres of Alberta
The Board of Trustees of Fort Vermilion School Division No. 52
5213 River Road, Fort Vermilion, Alberta
The Fort Vermilion School Division is an exciting, dynamic place to work. With 15 schools and 4 Learning Stores (storefront schools) our division is a great place to diversify your talents and discover your potential.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Board of Trustees of Fort Vermilion School Division No. 52
The Board of Trustees of Lakeland Roman Catholic Separate School District No 150
4810-46 Street, Bonnyville, Alberta
Lakeland Catholic Schools are not ordinary schools. They are extraordinary places, which harbour friendships and launch new learning experiences. As one of the cutting edge school Districts in the province of Alberta, Lakeland Catholic is proud of its high quality programs, where intellectual learning meets spiritual development, where faith and real life go hand in hand, and where genuine inclusiveness and collaboration are at the heart of the day-to-day school experience.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Board of Trustees of Lakeland Roman Catholic Separate School District No 150
The Bow Corridor Society for Community Living
709 Main Street, Suite 209, Canmore, Alberta
The Bow Corridor Society for Community Living (BCSCL) is a non-profit registered charity that has been offering support for individuals with disabilities since 1999.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of The Bow Corridor Society for Community Living
The Bow Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
123 Bow Meadows Crescent, Canmore, Alberta
Our mission is to provide our community with an adoption centre following a no kill, no cage philosophy to shelter, care for and re-home stray and abandoned dogs and cats and promote humane attitudes and responsible pet companionship through educational programs and community leadership.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of The Bow Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Calgary Between Friends Club-Fun and Fellowship for Disabled Youth
8989 Macleod Trail SW, Suite 205, Calgary, Alberta
Between Friends has been offering social and recreational programs in Calgary and the surrounding area for over 30 years. Through our programs, we endeavour to benefit all people and increase the community's awareness, positive attitudes, and sensitivity towards their fellow citizens with disabilities.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Between Friends Club-Fun and Fellowship for Disabled Youth
The Calgary Boys' Choir
2452 Battleford Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta
For forty years the Calgary Boys Choir has delighted music lovers with their beautiful tone and clear, pure sound, bringing the Choir critical and public acclaim. Our Choir not only enriches the lives of our members and Calgarians, but brings the music of Calgary's youth to the entire world.Since 1973, the Calgary Boys Choir has provided superior musical training and performance opportunities for boys aged three to twenty-five.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Boys' Choir
The Calgary Folk Club
305 - 4625 - Varsity Drive N.W., Suite 85, Calgary, Alberta
The Calgary Folk Club, largest Folk Club in Canada, runs a 13 concert Season on Friday evenings from Sept to Nov & Jan to Apr.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Folk Club
The Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association
301-14 Street NW, Suite 450, Calgary, Alberta
In 1931, a small group of eager musicians decided to take their love of music to the next level by creating the Calgary Music Festival. The Festival began as a small competition but quickly grew so large that this small group of musicians approached the Kiwanis Clubs of Calgary and asked them to officially take ownership of the Festival, giving it the new title: The Calgary Kiwanis Festival. Since then, our Festival has become one of the greatest performing arts events in Calgary, and one of the largest amateur competitive festivals in North America.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival Association
The Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation
1011 Glenmore Trail SW, Suite 100, Calgary, Alberta
Calgary's Prostate Cancer Centre (PCC) is a non-profit, world-class medical centre with a mandate to help improve the quality of men's lives and their families lives for those living with prostate cancer. Annually there are over 13,000 visits by these men and their families to access multiple programs and services at our Centre.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Cancer
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Prostate Cancer Foundation
The Calgary Youth Orchestra Society
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW, Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Youth Orchestra (CYO) is Mount Royal University Conservatory's internationally acclaimed ensemble and one of Canada's leading community youth orchestras, comprised of approximately 65 musicians ages 14 to 24.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Youth Orchestra Society
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen's Scholarship
500-5 Ave SW, Suite 350, Calgary, Alberta
The CAPL is a non-profit voluntary professional association for landmen in Canada, which evolved from the Alberta Landman's Association founded by 8 members in 1948. In 1956, the first Canadian landman became a member of the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL); and, in 1957, Canada was made, and is still today, the ninth regional district of the AAPL. Although it remains closely affiliated with the AAPL, the CAPL was incorporated on May 23, 1961, as its own independent association.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen's Scholarship
The Canlearn Society of Persons With Learning Difficulties
3930-20th Street S.W., Calgary, Alberta
At CanLearn Society, we have many services to help children, teens and adults with ADHD and learning disabilities. Our team helps positive change happen!
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Canlearn Society of Persons With Learning Difficulties
The Champion's Centre Incorporated
5004 - 57 Street, Beaumont, Alberta
The Champion's Centre provides affordable housing and basic supports to men who struggle to live independently. As such, the Centre directly addresses basic shelter and food needs of men who have been homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of The Champion's Centre Incorporated
The Citadel Theatre
9828-101A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The Citadel Theatre is one of North America's largest not-for-profit theatres. It is a complex of five performance spaces in downtown Edmonton. The Theatre's core programming in the 2015/16 season features 9 plays. The Citadel also features an outreach performance series each year known as Beyond the Stage, designed to encourage people who have not encountered much live theatre to come into the Citadel and experience various forms of entertainment beyond conventional theatre offerings. A registered charitable organization, the Citadel also operates a year-round theatre school known as the Robbins Academy.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Citadel Theatre
The Clouds & Water Gallery and Visual Production Society
200 Barclay Parade SW, Calgary, Alberta
The New Gallery (TNG) is an artist-run centre located in Calgary, Alberta. This charitable centre for contemporary art was established in 1975 as the Clouds & Water Gallery and Visual Production Society. Today, the Society continues its vision through the operation of two venues - the Main Space, a storefront in Calgary's Chinatown neighbourhood, and the +15 Window, a shallow vitrine located at the Arts Commons building on a high-traffic pedestrian walkway.
Keywords: Galleries
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Clouds & Water Gallery and Visual Production Society
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Branch: Alberta and Northwest Territories Division
4515 Bow Trail S.W., Suite 111, Calgary, Alberta
The Award is a non-competitive programme in which participants set and achieve personal goals for community service, skills, fitness, and adventure. It is a great way to explore new interests and try new challenges you might not have done otherwise, and even stretch your 'comfort zone'. The Award is open to all young Canadians age 14 yrs to 24 yrs old.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
The Edmonton Folk Music Festival Society
10115 - 97a Ave, Edmonton, Alberta
Beginning in 1980 with one staff and 300 volunteers, the Edmonton Folk Music Festival has grown and matured to become one of the leading folk festivals in the world. Now boasting a volunteer force of over 2000, the festival in a not-for-profit society dedicated to bringing in the best of folk music from around the world.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Edmonton Folk Music Festival Society
The Edmonton Telephone Historical Information Centre Foundation
10440 108 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta
Here at the Telephone Historical Centre we offer you a chance to See artifacts that date back to 1876, Hear a multi-media presentation narrated by our beloved Xeldon the talking robot, and Play with our hands-on exhibits depicting how different forms of telecommunications technology actually worked.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Edmonton Telephone Historical Information Centre Foundation
The Edmonton YMCA Foundation
10030 - 102 A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
The YMCA of Northern Alberta creates life-enhancing opportunities for the growth and development of all people in spirit, mind and body.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Edmonton YMCA Foundation
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton Alberta
10523-100 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta
We foster the dignity and worth of all women and girls who are or may be at risk of becoming criminalized.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of The Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton Alberta
The Elizabeth Fry Socitey of Calgary Alberta
1509 Center St S, Suite 600, Calgary, Alberta
We provide hope, help and healing to women and youth impacted by poverty, legal and justice issues.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of The Elizabeth Fry Socitey of Calgary Alberta
The Esther Honens International Piano Competition Foundation
888 10 St SW, Calgary, Alberta
Esther Honens created a legacy of musical excellence to be enjoyed for generations. In 1991, knowing she was near the end of her life, Mrs Honens gave $5 million to endow an international piano competition in her hometown of Calgary, Canada. Her generosity, vision and love of music continue to touch the lives of Calgarians, Canadians and musicians and music-lovers around the world.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Esther Honens International Piano Competition Foundation
The First Alberta Campus Radio Association
University Of Alberta, Room 0-09 Students' Union Building, Edmonton, Alberta
CJSR's mission is to "enlighten and entertain our audience through high quality and diverse programming that constantly challenges the status quo."
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The First Alberta Campus Radio Association
The Folk Festival Society of Calgary
414 Memorial Dr. NE, Calgary, Alberta
Founded in 1980 as part of a celebration of Alberta's 75th anniversary, and held at Calgary's iconic Prince's Island Park since its inception, the Calgary Folk Music Festival (organized by the not-for-profit Folk Festival Society of Calgary) has grown from a locally based one-day event into a four-day extravaganza with a national and international profile and a broad, cutting-edge programming vision.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Folk Festival Society of Calgary
The Free Will Players Theatre Guild
7 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Suite 618, Edmonton, Alberta
The Free Will Players are a not-for-profit theatre company that formed in 1989. The company endeavors to create professional, contemporary, innovative productions of the works of William Shakespeare that are accessible to all audiences, regardless of age, ability, education, or income levels, while also developing new audiences and mentoring theatre professionals of the future.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Free Will Players Theatre Guild
The Friends of the Federation of Calgary Communities Society
1609-14th St SW, Room 301, Calgary, Alberta
Incorporated in 1961, the Federation of Calgary Communities is a support not-for-profit organization to over 200 member not-for-profit organizations including the 150 community associations of Calgary and area. Community associations can be the anchor for community life but they need support to effectively operate. They need a support organization that understands their needs, assists their work, links common issues, supports learning and sharing, and can work on their behalf.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Friends of the Federation of Calgary Communities Society
The Further Education Society of Alberta
100, 5421-11th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta
The Further Education Society (FESA) works with people in Canada who are striving to overcome social, economic, and educational barriers. We focus on learners with the lowest levels of literacy and education. We have four arms of work: research and curriculum development, facilitator training, community outreach and development, and literacy and parenting programming. Our educational programs are free and offer assistance to vulnerable learners from a variety of backgrounds.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of The Further Education Society of Alberta
The Good Samaritan Society
8861 75 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
The Good Samaritan Society is a not-for-profit charity that has over 65 years of experience in providing complex/continuing care, assisted/supportive living and other specialized health and community care services in innovative and caring environments. Our mission is to extend Christian Hospitality through a continuum of care to those in need or at risk, regardless of race or religious belief.
Keywords: Seniors
· Family Services
· Disabled
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Good Samaritan Society
The Governors of the University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta
The University of Calgary is Canada's leading next-generation university - a living, growing and youthful institution that embraces change and opportunity with a can-do attitude. Located in the nation's most enterprising city, the university has a clear strategic direction - Eyes High - to become one of Canada's top five research universities by 2016, grounded in innovative learning and teaching and fully integrated with the community of Calgary.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of The Governors of the University of Calgary
The Hellenic Greek Orthodox Community of Calgary and District
1 Tamarac Cr. S.W., Calgary, Alberta
The Hellenic Society was established in the late 1970s and works in concert with the Hellenic Community to maintain and preserve Hellenic culture in Calgary. Some of the Society's programs include an accredited Hellenic Language School, and several other organizations for youth, adults and seniors in addition to hosting the highly-anticipated annual Greek Festival.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Hellenic Greek Orthodox Community of Calgary and District
The Heritage Agricultural Society
5411- 51st Street, Stony Plain, Alberta
The Heritage Agricultural Society operates as the Multicultural Heritage Centre and offers a wide range of programs and services both on their site in Stony Plain and in other locations throughout the region.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Heritage Agricultural Society