Volunteer for Arts and Cultural Organizations in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Arts and Cultural Organizations in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Arts and Cultural Organizations by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. Arts and culture refers to organizations that specialize in arts such as theatre, dance, or film. It also refers to cultural entities such as museums, heritage buildings, or festivals.
The Robert Bateman Centre
470 Belleville Street, Victoria, British Columbia
Robert Bateman, a living legend, strides the world of art and nature. This exhibition unleashes the full scope of his work from the largest original painting to the smallest drawing. Crossing the years and continents, visitors will explore the life of this iconic artist from his childhood to his latest masterpiece.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Arts and Culture
· Art Centres
· Art
Volunteer Profile of The Robert Bateman Centre
The Robert McLaughlin Gallery
72 Queen Street, Civic Centre, Oshawa, Ontario
The largest public gallery in Durham Region, the RMG occupies an inspired 36,000 square foot building designed by world-renowned architect Arthur Erickson.
Keywords: Galleries
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Robert McLaughlin Gallery
The Royal Conservatory
273 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario
The Royal Conservatory of Music is one of the largest and most respected music education institutions in the world, providing the definitive standard of excellence in curriculum design, assessment, performance training, teacher certification, and arts-based social programs.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Royal Conservatory
The Royal Winnipeg Ballet
380 Graham Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The Royal Winnipeg Ballet enriches the human experience by teaching, creating and performing outstanding dance.
Keywords: Dance
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Royal Winnipeg Ballet
The Salmon Arm and Shuswap Lake Agricultural Association
3750 19th Street N E, Unit 103, Calgary, Alberta
The Salmon Arm Fall Fair has a long and interesting history. In keeping with the traditions of North American agricultural fairs, it has, since its inception in 1897, brought the people of the Shuswap region together to celebrate the community. We show off our livestock, our garden and field produce, our handiwork, and we have fun.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Salmon Arm and Shuswap Lake Agricultural Association
The Sam Waller Museum Board
306 Fischer Avenue, The Pas, Manitoba
Our Museum is a portal to the past. Enter and experience the rich and diverse history of The Pas and marvel at the strange and eclectic curiosities collected by our founder, Mr. Sam Waller. If you are in The Pas, we encourage you to drop in and explore our exhibits and services.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Sam Waller Museum Board
The Saskatchewan Genealogical Society
110-1514 11th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan
SGS is a volunteer provincial heritage organization whose purpose is to promote and develop the study, research, and preservation of genealogy and family history. The many programs and services we offer are all designed to achieve our mission.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Saskatchewan Genealogical Society
The School of Toronto Dance Theatre
80 Winchester St, Toronto, Ontario
Based in downtown Toronto, the School has been a leader in training contemporary dance artists for over 45 years. Through our professional programs we dedicate ourselves to investing in the artistic potential of youth for the development of the art form.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The School of Toronto Dance Theatre
The Secrets of Radar Museum
Parkwood Hospital, London, Ontario
Imagine saving the world... and keeping it secret for 50 years. Thousands of men and women who served in World War II don't need to imagine - This was their life. Welcome to the Secrets of Radar Museum.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Secrets of Radar Museum
The Sharon Temple Museum Society
18974 Leslie Street, Sharon, Ontario
Known for their pageantry, the Children of Peace integrated a unique social vision with distinctive artistic and architectural works and an unparalleled musical tradition: they formed the first civilian band in Canada and commissioned the first organ built in Ontario.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Sharon Temple Museum Society
The Shelter Valley Folk Festival
10831 County Rd. 2, Grafton, Ontario
The Shelter Valley Folk Festival celebrates music, juried art, wellness, sustainable living and harvest food in the heart of Northumberland County through an annual Labour Day Weekend festival, an Artists in the Schools program, a Community Concert Series, and Local Songwriters Showcase..
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Shelter Valley Folk Festival
The St. Vital Historical Society Inc.
600 St Mary's Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The St. Vital Museum & Historical Society is a non-profit organization that relies on a variety of funding sources for its activities. This support enables the SVHS to share its collection and programs with all visitors, helping them enjoy St. Vital's abundant history.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The St. Vital Historical Society Inc.
The Theatre Arts Guild
287 Lacewood Drive, Unit 103 Suite 412, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Theatre Arts Guild is proud to be the country's oldest community theatre with a record of continuous operation. The Guild was founded in 1931 (through a merger of the Little Theatre Movement and the Halifax Dramatic and Musical Club), and has presented entertainment each year since then.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Theatre Arts Guild
The Theatre Centre
1087 Queen St West, Suite 100, Toronto, Ontario
The Theatre Centre is a nationally-recognized arts incubator, serving as a research and development hub for the cultural sector by providing space, subsidy and mentorship to new generations of arts leaders.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Theatre Centre
The Toronto Classical Singers
3 Mellanby Place, Toronto, Ontario
In 1992, the 26-member Toronto Classical Singers choir presented their first concert, accompanied by an orchestra and four soloists, before a capacity crowd at Christ Church Deer Park. Since that auspicious beginning 24 years ago, the Toronto choir has thrived and grown to become a well-respected musical institution.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Toronto Classical Singers
The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir
60 Simcoe St, Toronto, Ontario
The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, as one of Canada's largest choral organizations, believes its role is to provide Canadian audiences the experience of the classical choral masterworks of the world.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir
The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 264, Toronto, Ontario
The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition is Toronto's first, largest, and longest running outdoor art fair - providing fresh art, fresh faces, in the fresh air since 1961.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art
Volunteer Profile of The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition
The Vancouver Children's Choir Choral Society
690 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Since 1983, the Vancouver Children's Choir has provided young musicians with the opportunity to learn the foundations of choral singing through the works of Pergolesi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Debussy, and Britten. From Beethoven to Bernstein, the choir's performances and recordings also showcase the variety of musical styles and languages each chorister experiences.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Children's Choir Choral Society
The Vancouver Chopin Society
601 Broadway W, Suite 400, Vancouver, British Columbia
The society aims to promote cultural interaction among the people of Vancouver, who come from a rich variety of ethnic backgrounds, and to emphasize the importance of music in our lives. We have chosen to name our Society after the Polish composer Frederic Chopin because of the universal appeal of his music and his world-wide reputation as one of the greatest composers for the keyboard.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Chopin Society
The Vancouver Folk Music Festival Society
411 Dunsmuir St, Suite 468, Vancouver, British Columbia
To achieve the status of a true legend, it should have started differently. It should have started with the artistic director of the Winnipeg Folk Festival, Mitch Podolak, looking across the prairies fixing his penetrating, visionary gaze westward and determining right then and there that he was going to establish a folk music festival in Vancouver.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Folk Music Festival Society
The Vancouver High Spirits Choral Society
911 West 22nd Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
High Spirits Choir is a community choir based in Vancouver, BC. We sing an eclectic, uplifting and sometimes demanding repertoire that includes gospel, classical, jazz, show tunes, modern/contemporary, love songs, and world music.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver High Spirits Choral Society
The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra Society
719 East 31st Avenue, Unit 12, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra's mission is to act as a forum for the creation of a new musical art form, one in which all of Canada's resident cultures can take part. Through composition, performance and educational outreach to both music professionals and the general public, the VICO serves as a voice for Canadian composers and musicians of diverse backgrounds, and fosters the creation of musical works that fuse and transcend cultural traditions.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra Society
The Vancouver International Writers Festival Society
1398 Cartwright Street, Suite 202, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Vancouver Writers Fest turns reading into a community experience, bringing people together to share thoughts, explore ideas, and witness brilliant conversations.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver International Writers Festival Society
The Vancouver Jewish Film Festival Society
6184 Ash St, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Vancouver Jewish Film Centre hosts the longest running Jewish film festival in Canada, the Vancouver Jewish Film Festival. We have an established track record and we are proud to bring the best and most current films to our Vancouver communities.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Jewish Film Festival Society
The Vancouver Life Drawing Society
1011 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
"Life drawing is a basic inquiry into the human form." Everyone is welcome, from beginners to seasoned artists. Sessions are run throughout the week. Drop in or become a member. See our rates. Show your work in our member's gallery.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Life Drawing Society
The Vancouver Maritime Museum Society
1905 Ogden Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Vancouver Maritime Museum is located within Vanier Park just west of False Creek on the Vancouver waterfront. The main exhibit is the St. Roch, an historic arctic exploration vessel used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The museum also has extensive galleries of model ships, including a particularly fine bone model of the French warship Vengeur du Peuple which was built around 1800 by French prisoners of war, a Children's Maritime Discovery Centre, a recreation of the fo'c'sle (forecastle) of Vancouver's ship Discovery, an extensive collection of maritime art, and a large library and archives.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Maritime Museum Society
The Vancouver Men's Chorus
1270 Chestnut St, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Vancouver Men's Chorus is a registered non-profit society dedicated to presenting high-quality musical entertainment.
Composed of gay men and their friends, the chorus promotes community spirit and a positive image of the gay community.
The Chorus is a member of the Vancouver Cultural Alliance, the British Columbia Choral Federation and of GALA Choruses, an association of over one hundred men's, women's, and mixed choruses from the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia, dedicated to providing leadership and inspiration to the gay and lesbian movement through excellence in the choral arts.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Men's Chorus
The Vancouver Police Historical Society
240 E. Cordova St., Vancouver, British Columbia
The Vancouver Police Museum is an independent, not-for-profit facility run by the Vancouver Police Historical Society with an elected Board of Directors. Established in 1983 and opened as a museum in 1986, the Society is neither part of nor funded by either the Vancouver Police Department or the City of Vancouver. It's funding relies solely on admissions, donations and grants from individuals and institutions.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Police Historical Society
The Vetta Chamber Music and Recital Society
4270 Barker Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
The Vetta Chamber Music and Recital Society is a non-profit charitable organization under the Income Tax Act
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Vetta Chamber Music and Recital Society
The Walkerton Agricultural Society
Walkerton, Ontario
The Society was formed in the latter part of the 19 th Century. The Fair was called the Great Northern Exhibition. It was held on the same site as the present fair grounds and ball diamonds. It had a half mile track, a grandstand just north of the present community centre west of the track and a judge's stand east of the track. There was also a large frame building called the palace at the north end of the grounds.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Walkerton Agricultural Society
The Welland Historical Museum
140 King St, Welland, Ontario
The original Carnegie Library was built in 1923. Additions were added in 1961 and again in 1974. It was one of the last Carnegie Libraries to be built in Canada. The Welland Historical Museum moved into the building in the spring of 2006. The building was recognized as being historically significant by the City of Welland, and on Saturday, October 14, 2006 was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Welland Historical Museum
The West End Cultural Center Inc
586 Ellice Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba
At the West End Cultural Centre (WECC) we believe that true appreciation of the arts is not passive, in fact the WECC's founding statement concludes with the commitment to "make sure people will get involved, not in some peripheral way but with their hearts and guts and brains".
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The West End Cultural Center Inc
The West Vancouver Community Arts Council
1570 Argyle Avenue, West Vancouver, British Columbia
The West Vancouver Community Arts Council was established in 1968, with a mission to increase and broaden the opportunities for West Vancouver and all North Shore citizens to enjoy and participate in cultural activities. The WVCAC is based out of the Silk Purse Arts Centre on the waterfront near John Lawson Park at 1570 Argyle Avenue. The District of West Vancouver generously makes the Silk Purse available for the Council's use.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of The West Vancouver Community Arts Council
The Westerner Exposition Association
4911 51 St, Suite 500, Red Deer, Alberta
Each year, Westerner Park hosts more than 1,500 events and receives 1.5 million visitors, making us central Alberta's largest convention, trade show, agriculture, entertainment and sports facility. We are Your Destination for Celebration.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Westerner Exposition Association
The Whitney Pier Historical Society
88 Mount Pleasant Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia
The Mandate of the Whitney Pier Historical Society is to preserve the history of Whitney Pier and the diverse, rich culture that makes this part of Sydney very unique. Housed in what was once a Jewish Synagogue, the WPHS operates a unique museum dedicated to a community that developed unlike any other in Canada.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Whitney Pier Historical Society
The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Inc.
555 Main Street, Room 1020, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The WSO will be thriving artistically and organizationally, and it will have enhanced its position as a dynamic, pivotal musical institution in Manitoba. It will be an internationally recognized model of artistic excellence and community relevance with structural pillars that include excellent musicians, innovative programs, strong leadership, and a well-diversified and solid financial foundation.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Inc.
The Works International Visual Arts Society
10225 100 Ave, Suite 200, Edmonton, Alberta
The Works International Visual Arts Society produces The Works Art & Design Festival which attracts artists and patrons from around the world, boosting the energy and imagination of Downtown Edmonton at the start of every summer. The Works is a free event that draws an audience representing all ages and interests, offering over 200 exciting exhibits and special events to the public.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of The Works International Visual Arts Society
The Writers' Guild of Alberta
11759 Groat Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta
The Writers' Guild of Alberta's mission is to inspire, connect, support, encourage and promote writers and writing, to safeguard the freedom to write and to read, and to advocate for the well-being of writers.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of The Writers' Guild of Alberta
Theatre Aquarius Incorporated
190 King William Street, Hamilton, Ontario
Theatre Aquarius is recognized as a leader in Canadian theatre. Theatre Aquarius produces work of the highest quality, premieres new plays, develops the skills of professional artists, invests in youth and families and contributes to the quality of life in this region.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Aquarius Incorporated
Theatre B.T.W. Inc.
3680 Jeanne-Mance, Suite 432, Montreal, Quebec
The mission of Black Theatre Workshop is: to encourage and promote the development of a Black and Canadian Theatre, rooted in a literature that reflects the creative will of Black Canadian writers and artists, and the creative collaborations between Black and other artists. BTW aims to promote and produce Black theatre that educates, entertains and delights its audiences. The company strives to create a greater cross-cultural understanding by its presence and the intrinsic value of its work.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre B.T.W. Inc.
Theatre BC British Columbia Drama Association
25 Victoria Road, Nanaimo, British Columbia
THEATRE BC has served as the parent association for community theatre in the province since 1932. Its aims are to promote and encourage the development of community theatre by providing leadership as well as opportunities for participation, education and sharing in the enjoyment of diverse theatre experiences.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre BC British Columbia Drama Association
Theatre Calgary
220 - 9th Avenue S E, Calgary, Alberta
Theatre Calgary's vision is to set a national standard for ambitious programming, extraordinary productions and passionate community engagement.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Calgary
Theatre Cambrian
40 Eyre St., Sudbury, Ontario
Without the services of our valued volunteer base, Theatre Cambrian would not have been able to offer Northern audiences 29 years of premiere community theatre. The Theatre is always on the lookout for fantastic volunteers to help make our theatrical seasons run smoothly. If you would like to help out Theatre Cambrian, simply email us using the form below.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Cambrian
Theatre Capitol Theatre Inc
811 Main Street, Moncton, New Brunswick
The Capitol Theatre is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful performing arts spaces in Canada. Reopening the doors to the Capitol Theatre in 1993 marked a tremendous milestone for the Greater Moncton community and the visionaries who worked so hard to make the theatre's restoration possible.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Capitol Theatre Inc
Theatre Gargantua Inc.
55 Sudbury Street, Toronto, Ontario
Theatre Gargantua is one of Canada's leading multi-disciplinary theatre companies. Under the direction of Jacquie P.A. Thomas, the company has been devising dynamic physical theatre for over 20 years. Thomas founded the distinct Toronto company in 1992, after travelling extensively in Europe and North America and working with a diverse group of theatre-makers including the National Theatre of Greece, the Gardzienice Theatre Association in Poland, and the Peking Opera.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Gargantua Inc.
Theatre Junction Society
608 1st St SW, Calgary, Alberta
Theatre Junction GRAND is a not-for-profit organization that founded Calgary's culturehouse for multidisciplinary live art. Since 2006, the theatre has become a centre for creation, presentation, and dissemination of contemporary performance from Calgary, Canada, and around the world.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Junction Society
Theatre Network
8529 Gateway Blvd., Edmonton, Alberta
Theatre Network~live at the Roxy produces contemporary theatre with an emphasis on Canadian playwrights and stories. Theatre Network has taken on a dedication to produce work that is challenging and engaging in content and form, and is not afraid to challenge our conceptions of the world we live in. Our continuing commitment is towards risk, especially where it involves content and the energy that is borne from that kind of risk. Not all of our work is controversial, but we have chosen to welcome controversy, rather than fear it.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Network
Theatre NorthWest
556 North Nechako Rd, Unit 36, Prince George, British Columbia
Theatre NorthWest is a regional theatre dedicated to bringing our audience a wide range of plays drawn from the contemporary Canadian and International repertoire. Actors and other theatre professionals are contracted for each production from across Canada to work with our resident staff in order to bring together a four-play season which runs from September to May. Now the largest arts organization in the northern two-thirds of British Columbia, Theatre NorthWest boasts the most paid attendance, most annual performances, and one of the highest subscription rates in Canada.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre NorthWest
Theatre Passe Muraille
16 Ryerson Street, Toronto, Ontario
We are a non profit organization dedicated to create theatre mandated to develop and produce innovative and provocative Canadian Theatre, and to nurture new and established artists and companies.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Passe Muraille
Theatre Projects Manitoba
245 Mcdermot Ave, Suite 204, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Theatre Projects Manitoba is a small but vibrant theatre company based in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Theatre Projects Manitoba