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Volunteer in Hagensborg, British Columbia

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Information about volunteering and helping the 1 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Hagensborg, British Columbia.

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Gabriola Land and Trails Trust

The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 49 Central Coast
Hagensborg, British Columbia

Our board of education is committed to providing high quality leadership and personnel to provide students with equal opportunities for career choices and to assist them in developing social responsibility and acquiring the skills necessary for lifelong learning.

Keywords: Education and Literacy · Children and Youth

Volunteer Profile of The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 49 Central Coast

Volunteering in Hagensborg

Volunteering in British Columbia

Locations near Hagensborg

(51 km): Queen Charlotte City

(196 km): Port Hardy

(249 km): Vanderhoof

(270 km): Smithers

(271 km): Heriot Bay

(273 km): Terrace

(280 km): Campbell River

(298 km): Black Creek

(302 km): Williams Lake

(306 km): Prince George

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in Hagensborg
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Gabriola Land and Trails Trust The Board of School Trustees of School District No. 49 Central Coast

Our board of education is committed to providing high quality leadership and personnel to provide students with equal opportunities for career choices and to assist them in developing social responsibility and acquiring the skills necessary for lifelong learning.

Volunteer in Hagensborg
by Category

Children and Youth

Education and Literacy

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