Volunteer for Crisis Support Groups in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Crisis Support Groups in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Crisis Support Groups by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. Crisis support groups deal with various crisis situations such as child abuse, elder abuse, and sexual assault. These groups usually have a crisis helpline phone number and offer confidential services.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Stratford & District
309 Lorne Ave East, Stratford, Ontario
Although the first Big Brothers agency started in 1912 in Toronto, it was 1969 when the Stratford Kiwanis Club expressed an interest in developing the Big Brothers program in Stratford. The Kiwanis Big Brothers Committee established a Board of Directors and in 1970 Big Brothers Association of Stratford was incorporated.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Stratford & District
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Georgian Triangle
129 Hurontario Street, Unit 201, Collingwood, Ontario
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Georgian Triangle has been creating friendships since 2003. We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Georgian Triangle
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg Inc
765 Portage Ave, 2nd Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba
In December of 2001, the agency name was changed to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg Inc.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg Inc
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yorkton and District
345 Broadway Street W, Yorkton, Saskatchewan
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yorkton and District
Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa Grands Freres Grandes Soeurs D'ottawa
39 Camelot Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa has been creating Big Brother friendships since 1970 and Big Sister friendships since 1973. We started out matching bigs with littles and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa
Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area
10135 89 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
We are the amalgamation of two internationally recognized child serving organizations; Boys & Girls Clubs and Big Brothers Big Sisters. By combining the concepts of both, BGCBigs delivers programs that address the physical, emotional, academic and overall wellness of children and youth.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area
Big Brothers Big Sisters West Island Les Grands Freres Et Les Grandes Soeurs De L'ouest De L'ile
265 Dorval Ave, Suite 202, Dorval, Quebec
We recruit, train and match male and female adult volunteers to support children, ages 6-14 yrs
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters West Island
Big Brothers of Brantford and District
Branch: Brantford
127 Charing Cross, Brantford, Ontario
Every child in Brant, Brantford, Haldimand & Norfolk who needs a mentor, has a mentor" rings true in the hearts of our many volunteers who see the difference that they make in their Little Brother, Little Sister or Little Buddies.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers of Brantford and District
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
102-1193 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver was established in 1978. We now run our prevention-based mentoring programs in Burnaby, Delta, Surrey, New Westminster, the North Shore, Richmond, the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, with a satellite agency along the Sea-to-Sky Corridor.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
Big Brothers of Sault Ste. Marie
444 Albert St E, Unit 1, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario
The Sault Ste Marie Big Sister program began in 1973 by a concerned group of citizens. In 1981, the agency became incorporated. In 2004, Big Sisters became an affiliate member of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (BBBSC).
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers of Sault Ste. Marie
Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
34 East 12th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Today, Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland is a thriving organization of over 600 volunteers, 767 girls served in 2015, 22 employees, a Board of Directors and Honourary Advisory Board, and many community supporters.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
Birthright International
875 Marcel-Laurin Blv, Montreal, Quebec
Birthright is a non-profit charitable organization that has been providing love and support for over 45 years to women facing unplanned pregnancies. We have chapters across Canada, the United States, and Africa, as well as a 24/7 North American toll-free Helpline. Birthright is supported by devoted volunteers and private donations.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Birthright International
Boys & Girls Club of London Foundation
184 Horton Street East, London, Ontario
The Boys and Girls Club of London Foundation is committed to providing support to the programs and services offered by the Boys and Girls Club of London.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Boys & Girls Club of London Foundation
British Columbia Bereavement Helpline
984 W Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia
The BC Bereavement Helpline (BCBH) is here for you. We are a non-profit, free, and confidential service that connects the public to grief support services within the province of BC. Whether you are looking for bereavement support groups, community events, information on BC Bereavement Day, information on how to donate or to volunteer with us you will find it here. Please call the BC Bereavement Helpline and speak with one of our caring volunteers for information on our bereavement support groups, agencies, and peer-based support.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Bereavement Helpline
Bruce Grey Child and Family Services
5 McGivern Street West, Walkerton, Ontario
Bruce Grey Child & Family Services was established in 2012 through the consolidation of the former Bruce and Grey Children's Aid Societies. Together, each organization brought a history of more than a century of protecting children. We are a team of over 150 child protection workers, child and youth workers, lawyers, support and administrative staff working together and in partnership with the community to help families to keep children safe and well.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Bruce Grey Child and Family Services
Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse Society
910 - 7th Avenue S.W., Northland Building, Suite 700, Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA) is the primary sexual abuse and sexual assault crisis and education service provider for Calgary and surrounding areas. Our organization exists because sexual violence is a crime that is prevalent in our society and impacts a significant number of people.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse Society
Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association
2616 18 St NE, Suite 201, Calgary, Alberta
The Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter is focused on ending family violence and abuse in the lives of women, children, youth and men. "Taking a Stand Against Family Violence" in the community for the past 41 years, the agency has helped more than 165,000 Calgarians build safe lives and healthy relationships. We are on the front lines to provide hope and support to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Womens Emergency Shelter Association
Camrose Women's Shelter Society
Camrose, Alberta
Camrose women's Shelter is a not-for-profit organization that provides shelter and support for women and families fleeing domestic violence and other crises.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Camrose Women's Shelter Society
Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness
1151 Gorham Street, Unit 9, Newmarket, Ontario
The Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness is a national, charitable organization that has served Canadians since 1993.The Centre's mandate is to significantly reduce the incidence and impact of abuse through education and public awareness.CCAA operates solely on private donations with no sustaining funds from any government body.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness
Centre 454
216 Murray Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Centre 454 offers servcies for people living in poverty and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
· Homeless and Housing
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Centre 454
Centre for Abuse and Trauma Therapy Inc
1466 Pearl Road, Kingston, Ontario
The Centre is committed to providing therapeutic counselling to victims of all forms of abuse and trauma, and to improving public knowledge in our community regarding all aspects of abuse and trauma.The Centre is a warm and welcoming place where discretion and confidentiality are assured.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Centre for Abuse and Trauma Therapy Inc
Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria
1175 Cook St, Suite 210, Victoria, British Columbia
The Victoria Child Abuse Prevention & Counselling Centre (formally the Mary Manning Centre) was founded by Mary Manning, who, together with therapist Rita Milot, began providing counselling services to child survivors of sexual abuse in 1984.
As a result of this pioneering work, thousands of people - children, youth, and families - have been helped to heal and recover from the effects of child sexual abuse. We are the only non-profit agency dedicated to serving children, youth and families who have been affected by sexual abuse and other forms of maltreatment.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria
Children of the Street Society
1130 Austin Ave, Suite 208, Coquitlam, British Columbia
Children of the Street Society is a Provincial Society and Federal Charity dedicated to preventing the sexual exploitation and human trafficking of children and youth in British Columbia through education strategies, public awareness initiatives, and family support since 1995.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children of the Street Society
Children's Aid Foundation
25 Spadina Rd, Toronto, Ontario
The Children's Aid Foundation is Canada's leading charity dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth involved with the child welfare system. We support and deliver a broad range of high-impact programs and services that directly serve vulnerable children and youth across Canada. Our programs address the many complex needs faced by our kids in the four key needs areas of education, healing and recovery, enrichment, and prevention.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Aid Foundation
Children's Aid Foundation of Halton
1445 Norjohn Ct, Burlington, Ontario
The Children's Aid Foundation of Halton (CAFH) was founded in 1990 as a non-profit, charitable organization to raise funds for the children and youth being cared for by the Halton Children's Aid Society (Halton CAS). Funds raised allow the Halton CAS to provide additional services that enhance the lives of abused and neglected children and youth living in Halton.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Aid Foundation of Halton
Children's Aid Foundation of Simcoe County
60 Bell Farm Road, Unit 7, Barrie, Ontario
It is our goal to connect our community with the world of child welfare. This website is our opportunity to tell you about our agency and the quality services we provide.
We strive for equity, inclusiveness and diversity in all of our programs, facilities and practices.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Aid Foundation of Simcoe County
Children's Aid Society of Algoma
191 Northern Avenue East, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario
We are the Children's Aid Society of Algoma - one of 47 Children's Aid Societies in Ontario. Each Society is an independent, non-profit organization with a local Board of Directors.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Aid Society of Algoma
Children's Aid Society of the Niagara Region
82 Hannover Drive, St. Catharines, Ontario
Welcome to Family and Children's Services Niagara. Proud to be a part of the Niagara community since 1898, Family and Children's Services is among Niagara's largest child and family serving organizations. As a multi-service organization, we offer a wide range of programs that protect children, strengthen families and help youth and adults to be the best they can be.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Aid Society of the Niagara Region
Children's Aid Society of Toronto
30 Isabella St, Toronto, Ontario
A city where children are safe, families are strong and communities are supported
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Aid Society of Toronto
CHIMO Crisis Services
7000 Minoru Blvd, Suite 120, Richmond, British Columbia
CHIMO strengthens individuals, families and communities and connects people with needed community resources.
Keywords: Women
· Immigrants and Refugees
· Family Support
· Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
· Advocacy and Human Rights
Volunteer Profile of CHIMO Crisis Services
Chimo Helpline Inc
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Chimo is a provincial crisis phone line, that is accessible 24hrs a day, 365 days a year to all residents of New Brunswick.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Chimo Helpline Inc
Community Torchlight
25 Centennial Road, Unit 1, Orangeville, Ontario
Community Torchlight o/a Distress Centre Wellington-Dufferin has been serving the community for over 40 years, since 1969. Throughout our history, we have been committed to supporting people of all ages, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds when they need a safe place to turn.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Community Torchlight
Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre
40 Swayne Street, Cobourg, Ontario
Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre is breaking the cycle of family violence by providing immediate shelter, counselling and prevention services throughout Northumberland County.
Keywords: Women
· Family Services
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre
Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre for Greater Vancouver
763 E Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre for Greater Vancouver
Crisis Pregnancy Centre of Ottawa
889 Bank Street, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario
First Place OPTIONS is a non-profit charitable agency offering decision aid coaching to anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Crisis Pregnancy Centre of Ottawa
Crisis Prevention Intervention and Information Centre for Northern BC
1600 3rd Avenue, 5th floor, Prince George, British Columbia
Trained volunteer crisis workers provide confidential, anonymous emotional support by telephone to people in any kind of crisis or distress including those who are suicidal.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Crisis Prevention Intervention and Information Centre for Northern BC
Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society
Box 85058, Albert Park PO, Calgary, Alberta
Discovery House is a trusted, dynamic Calgary agency devoted to the safety and well-being of women with children leaving domestic violence.
Keywords: Women
· Family Support
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society
Distress Centre Calgary
1010 8th Ave SW, Suite 300, Calgary, Alberta
Distress Centre Calgary (DCC) ensures everyone has a place to turn to in a time of crisis by providing 24 hour crisis support, professional counselling and 211 referrals - all at no cost.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Distress Centre Calgary
Distress Centre Durham
306 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario
Offers emotional support, crisis de-escalation and suicide management or intervention to people in Durham Region through our 24-Hour Helpline.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Distress Centre Durham
Distress Centre Niagara
Pen Centre-Glendale Ave, Box 25014, St. Catharines, Ontario
Distress Centre Niagara is a 24-hour, free, confidential and anonymous telephone crisis intervention support service available to anyone in need in the Niagara Region. In order to enhance support services and public trust in our communities, we conduct community education and outreach through workshops, events and partnerships.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Distress Centre Niagara
Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region
Box 3457, Station C, Ottawa, Ontario
We are the people who are here, day or night, 24/7, to answer the calls from those who are reaching out for help. Callers may have simple questions, or they may be in crisis. Either way, with more than 200 volunteers answering nearly 50,000 calls a year, we provide an integral, important and vital service in the community.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region
Distress Centre Peel
Mississauga, Ontario
Our services are confidential, easy to access, non-judgemental and are totally free.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Distress Centre Peel
Distress Centres of Toronto
Box 243, Adelaide P.O., Toronto, Ontario
Since 1967, as an initially modest outreach of a concerned group of community leaders, the Distress Centres has provided 24-hour telephone support, 365 days a year. Hundreds of thousands of calls later, this agency continues to offer round the clock response to those experiencing emotional distress or in need of crisis intervention and suicide prevention. We also provide face-to-face support and counseling to people dealing with the effects of suicide and homicide.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Distress Centres of Toronto
East and West Parry Sound Victim Services
25 Church St, Parry Sound, Ontario
East and West Parry Sound Victim Services is a community-based service, which provides short-term emotional support and practical assistance to people affected by crime, trauma, and tragic circumstance. Referrals are received from police, fire, and hospital personnel. The services can also be accessed directly by you.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of East and West Parry Sound Victim Services
Edmonton Womens' Shelter Ltd.
Edmonton, Alberta
We provide emergency shelter and comprehensive support to women and children fleeing domestic abuse. The shelters specialize in culturally sensitive services and is the largest charitable, non-profit agency of its kind in the greater Edmonton region.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Edmonton Womens' Shelter Ltd.
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver
402 E. Columbia Street, New Westminster, British Columbia
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver is a charitable organization that provides support services to some of society's most vulnerable populations - women, girls and children at risk of involvement, involved in or affected by the justice system. Our more than two dozen programs work to break the cycle of poverty, addiction, mental illness, homelessness and crime.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver
Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia
1 Tulip Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Our Society continues to work with, and on behalf of, women in volved in and those at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia
Ernestine's Women's Shelter
Etobicoke, Ontario
Ernestine's Women's Shelter was opened in 1983 by a group of community members who saw a need for a safe place for women and children fleeing violence. Since that time, Ernestine's has assisted over 5,000 families with critical immediate care services.
The founders were pleased to name the shelter after Ernestine van Marle who gave them support and guidance as they began the shelter, and continued to support the shelter's efforts in ending violence against women and children until her passing in 2006. Ernestine embodied all the characteristics that our shelter aspires toward: energetic, community minded, supportive and dedicated.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Ernestine's Women's Shelter
Family Transition Place
20 Bredin Parkway, Orangeville, Ontario
Since 1984, Family Transition Place (FTP) has been providing critical services to women and their children who have experienced abuse and unhealthy relationships. Inside FTP's doors, women find a warm and welcoming place where their safety and well-being is the most important thing in the world.
Keywords: Women
· Family Services
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Family Transition Place
First Step Women's Shelter
Sioux Lookout, Ontario
The mission is to facilitate the healing and self-empowerment process of women and their children who have found themselves survivors of violence. This is accomplished by providing support and advocacy services and by focusing on healing in the areas of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual growth within a safe and secure haven.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of First Step Women's Shelter