Volunteer for Music Organizations in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Music Organizations in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Music Organizations by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. These types of arts and cultures organizations focus on music such as radio stations, symphonies, opera, choirs, and ethnic music.
Little Lake Musicfest
Del Crary Park, Peterborough, Ontario
Free outdoor concerts every Saturday and Wednesday evening from June 30th-August 25th in Del Crary Park, Peterborough, Ontario
Keywords: Music
· Festival
Volunteer Profile of Little Lake Musicfest
Manitoba Opera Association Inc.
555 Main St, Room 1060, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Manitoba Opera was established in 1969 by Founding President Justice Kerr Twaddle and a group of individuals dedicated to presenting the great works of opera to Manitoban audiences.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Manitoba Opera Association Inc.
Maritime Concert Opera
Box 1304, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Produces two operas in concert each year on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Maritime Concert Opera
Mississauga Celebration Square
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga Celebration Square is the premier location for free outdoor events, connecting residents and community groups through arts, culture, and heritage. MCS is located in the heart of downtown Mississauga, across from Square One Shopping Centre.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mississauga Celebration Square
Mississauga Symphony Orchestra
4141 Living Arts Drive, Living Arts Centre Building, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, Ontario
With a combination of community musicians and professional section leaders, the MSO has earned a reputation as the best hybrid orchestra in Canada.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mississauga Symphony Orchestra
Musart Cultural Society
1046 Deep Cove Road, North Vancouver, British Columbia
Musart Cultural Society is a non-profit on the North Shore of Vancouver that carries the dual mandate of providing much needed stages to local artists and musicians, and ensuring that the community is out and supporting these artists.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Musart Cultural Society
Music & Beyond
51 William Street, Box 20585, RPO Rideau East, Ottawa, Ontario
Music and Beyond is a new classical music and multi-disciplinary arts festival that has been active on the cultural scene since it presented its first festival in July 2010. Widely considered one of Canada's major classical music festivals and one of North America's most innovative arts festivals, Music and Beyond presents classical music in all formations including orchestras, choirs, bands, wind ensembles, instrumental and vocal recitals, and small ensembles.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Music & Beyond
Music for Kids Canada
Branch: London Chapter
London, Ontario
Music for Kids Canada (MFK) is a program that is designed to offer premium private music lessons to children who cannot afford the high price of the study or are left behind by conventional music education due to autism.
Keywords: Music
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Music for Kids Canada
Music on Main Society
2414 Main St, Unit 12, Vancouver, British Columbia
Music on Main has produced more than 250 events featuring in excess of 500 musicians and more than 50 world premieres at Heritage Hall on Main Street, the now-closed Cellar Restaurant and Jazz Club in Kitsilano, and venues throughout Metro Vancouver. The music has touched the souls of thousands of listeners, and we've helped artists from around the world connect with each other, and with Vancouver audiences.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Music on Main Society
Musica Intima Society
3102 Main St, Suite 302, Vancouver, British Columbia
Founded in 1992, musica intima has become an integral part of Canada's cultural fabric. A distinctly Canadian ensemble, musica intima regularly commissions, champions and premieres works by Canada's leading composers including Michael Osterle, Ana Sokolovic, Jos‚ Evangelista, Peter Hannan, Jocelyn Morlock, Keith Hamel Jordan Nobles, and Jeffrey Ryan.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Musica Intima Society
Northern Lights Festival Boreal
19 Grey St, Suite 3, Sudbury, Ontario
Northern Lights Festival Bor‚al is one of Ontario's longest running outdoor music and arts festivals.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Northern Lights Festival Boreal
Oakville Chamber Orchestra
1500 Upper Middle Road West, PO Box 76036, Oakville, Ontario
Not for profit chamber orchestra, located in Oakville Ontario, producing 4 concerts per year.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Oakville Chamber Orchestra
Okanagan Jazz and Blues Society
1573 Ellis Street, Kelowna, British Columbia
In 1991, a committee was formed to organize a week long summer jazz festival in August under the auspices of the Kelowna School of the Arts. In 1996 the committee was incorporated as the Kelowna Jazz Society and presented some of Canada's top jazz performers including Tommy Banks, P.J Perry, Oliver Gannon, Campbell Ryga, Ross Taggert, and Brad Turner. In 2001, the Society changed its name to Okanagan Jazz and Blues Society.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Okanagan Jazz and Blues Society
Ontario Philharmonic
Oshawa, Ontario
Ontario Philharmonic (OP) is one of the finest orchestras in the country. Thousands of patrons attend its concerts each season.
OP's success results from the efforts of many people. While the music director and musicians are the most visible, at least an equal number of dedicated people work behind the scenes to make sure that the concerts are a success and that OP has the support, money and resources it needs to continue to excel.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ontario Philharmonic
Opera De Quebec Inc.
1220 Avenue Tache, Quebec, Quebec
L'Opera de Quebec vous invite a vivre une soiree unique, qui rassemble les passionnes de chant, de theatre, de musique et meme de danse.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Opera De Quebec Inc.
Opera New Brunswick
39 King Street, Brunswick Square Shopping Centre, Level III, Saint John, New Brunswick
Opera New Brunswick's mission is to be a vehicle for the production and performance of live opera showcasing New Brunswick artists from home and abroad and to enrich the cultural community of New Brunswick.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Opera New Brunswick
Opera Nova Scotia Society
6199 Chebucto Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Opera Nova Scotia exists to promote the art of opera in Nova Scotia.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Opera Nova Scotia Society
Opera Ontario, Incorporated
69 Hughson St N, Hamilton, Ontario
Opera Hamilton made its debut performances in the community of Hamilton in 1980, staging two operas in its first season. The company was established by the ambitious spirits of Artistic Director Steven Thomas and General Manager Ruth Slater accompanied by the strong support of its leadership board.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Opera Ontario, Incorporated
Orchestre Des Jeunes De Westmount
McGill Conservatory, Westmount, Quebec
The mission of the Westmount Youth Orchestra (WYO) is to provide young musicians aged 5 to 25 with the opportunity to learn and play music together under the direction of dedicated, professional conductors and coaches.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Orchestre Des Jeunes De Westmount
Orford Arts Centre Centre D'arts Orford
3165 Chemin De Parc, Orford, Quebec
Le Centre d'arts Orford (CAO) est tout d'abord une academie internationale qui offre une formation de perfectionnement a de jeunes musiciens talentueux. Durant l'ete, nombreux sont ceux qui choisissent l'Academie Orford afin de peaufiner leur technique en musique classique.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Orford Arts Centre
Ottawa Chamber Orchestra
123 Woodbury Cres., Ottawa, Ontario
The Ottawa Chamber Orchestra (OCO) was founded in 1992. It is a dynamic "chamber-sized" symphony orchestra with activities taking place across the entire National Capital Region. Our fifty members include advanced music students, semi-professional musicians, and serious amateurs whose non-musical avocations and professions run the complete gamut. From teenagers to senior citizens, our musicians come from all communities within Ottawa proper and its periphery. Our concerto performances open the stage to some of the most accomplished professional musicians in our area.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ottawa Chamber Orchestra
Ottawa Children's Choir
Ottawa, Ontario
The Ottawa Children's Choir exists to enrich artistically the lives of our choristers, families and the community. We offer an instructional music program emphasizing musicianship and vocal training through choral music experience.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ottawa Children's Choir
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra L'orchestre Symphonique D'ottawa
2 Daly Avenue, Suite 250, Ottawa, Ontario
The Ottawa Symphony Orchestra is an integral part of the National Capital Region's vibrant classical music community. The present OSO was founded in 1965; however the Orchestra has a lineage dating back over 115 years. It is the only full-size symphony orchestra in the National Capital Region able to present major works of the late 19th and 20th centuries.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ottawa Symphony Orchestra
Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy
54 Beech St, Suite 1, Ottawa, Ontario
The Academy comprises two full orchestras, eight instrumental ensembles for strings, winds, brass and harp, beginner and pre-school programs. Over the past years, these programs have shown increasing enrollment, reaching over 300 students. Furthermore, members of our Ottawa Youth Orchestra regularly qualify for the National Youth Orchestra of Canada.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy
Pacific Baroque Orchestra Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
The Pacific Baroque Orchestra (PBO) is recognized as one of Canada's most exciting and innovative ensembles performing "early music for modern ears." PBO brings the music of the past up to date by performing with cutting edge style and enthusiasm. Formed in 1990, the orchestra quickly established itself as a force in Vancouver's burgeoning music scene with the ongoing support of Early Music Vancouver.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Baroque Orchestra Society
Pembroke Symphony Orchestra
Pembroke, Ontario
The Pembroke Symphony Orchestra (PSO) is an amateur community orchestra. With a core membership of 37 musicians, the orchestra performs three public concerts of classical music each season, usually at Festival Hall in Pembroke.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Pembroke Symphony Orchestra
Peterborough Symphony Orchestra
311 George Stn., Peterborough, Ontario
The Peterborough Symphony Orchestra. For over 45 years, a cultural cornerstone of the Peterborough community and a reputation as one of the finest community orchestras in Canada.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Peterborough Symphony Orchestra
Prince George Folkfest Society
Branch: Coldsnap
Prince George, British Columbia
Coldsnap is one of Canada's premiere winter music festivals, and one of the top cultural events in British Columbia. From its beginnings in 2008 it has been featured as a Globe and Mail top pick, a Westworld destination, a CBC concerts series, and the centrepiece of "Coldsnap Week" as declared by the mayor and council of the City of Prince George.
Coldsnap is run entirely by volunteers who believe in highlighting local, national, and international artists of all genres in a way that is accessible to all members of the community.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Prince George Folkfest Society
Prince George Symphony Orchestra Society
2880 15th Avenue, Prince George, British Columbia
The Prince George Symphony Orchestra seeks to enrich the cultural life of the residents of Prince George and the northern interior of BC by providing symphonic music in a way that is financially responsible and provides its performers with just compensation, consistent with its artistic direction.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Prince George Symphony Orchestra Society
Quinte Symphony
Bridge Street, Belleville, Ontario
Founded in 1960 as the Eastern Ontario Concert Orchestra by Stephen Choma in conjunction with local businessman Thomas Bata, the Quinte Symphony has become one of Quinte's most significant and highly acclaimed performing arts organizations.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Quinte Symphony
Radio Carleton Inc.
1125 Colonel By Drive, 401 Unicentre, Ottawa, Ontario
CKCU is licensed by the CRTC as a community-based campus radio station. This is a uniquely Canadian model which means that we are an integral part of the Carleton University community, but also serve many other groups within our broadcast range.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Radio Carleton Inc.
Radio Waterloo Inc.
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, Ontario
Incorporated in 1977, Radio Waterloo Inc. is a nonprofit cooperative that is heavily involved in the local community. Our primary purpose is to maintain and operate a CRTC licensed FM radio station.
SoundFM is a community-based radio station and is committed to training community members in the techniques of broadcasting. We are maintained by our programmer cooperative and managed by our volunteer staff and Board of Directors and are committed to serving the needs of community groups.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Radio Waterloo Inc.
Regina Symphony Orchestra Inc.
200b Lakeshore Dr, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Regina Symphony Orchestra plays an important role in the cultural fabric of Southern Saskatchewan. By continuing to strive for excellence in performance and by remaining relevant to its audiences, the orchestra will continue to grow and to enrich life in Southern Saskatchewan.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Regina Symphony Orchestra Inc.
Richmond Music School Society
11371 No. 3 Road, Richmond, British Columbia
The Richmond Music School is the largest and oldest non-profit music school in Richmond, dedicated to high standards in teaching music in both private and class settings. It enjoys a leadership position throughout Greater Vancouver for its many student performances and innovative programs.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Richmond Music School Society
Robson Valley Music Festival
Dunster, British Columbia
The Robson Valley Music Festival is held on the land of Touring and recording artists:"Mamaguroove" in particular, Seth and Shara's place. LA few years ago, with the help of a few friends and Seth's dad, Dave, these crazy cats decided to turn what was supposed to be a small gathering of family and friends into a full fledged festival! They (We) ran all details themselves on a non-existent budget, counting on ticket sales at the gate to pull them through!
Keywords: Music
· Festival
Volunteer Profile of Robson Valley Music Festival
Salmon Arm Folk Music Society
490 5th Avenue SW, Salmon Arm, British Columbia
The Salmon Arm Folk Music Society is a non-profit charitable organization that presents the Annual Roots and Blues Festival the third weekend of every August. Additionally the SAFMS presents other Outreach activities in the community and area.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Salmon Arm Folk Music Society
Saskatoon Brass Band Inc.
567 Adilman Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon Brass Band has been active in Saskatchewan since 1981 when it was founded by Brian Fox and Jim Horne. Both Brian and Jim had brass banding experience from Britain, where brass bands had their origins in the early 1800's. Their mission was to introduce the fine choral sound of the British brass band to Saskatchewan brass players and audiences, and that remains part of our mandate.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Brass Band Inc.
Sidney Concert Society
2513 Beacon Avenue, Box 2282, Sidney, British Columbia
Our aim at the SCO is to take our audiences out of the actual and to startle their wonder. We strive to provide you with an uplifting experience. If we have stirred emotion, provided a new perspective, revealed something new, given enjoyment, enriched your life to some small degree, then I am content that we have done our job.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Sidney Concert Society
Sinfonia Toronto
3901 Don Mills Rd, Toronto, Ontario
Sinfonia Toronto consists of thirteen virtuoso strings. They perform standing, in the tradition of great European chamber orchestras, blending each musician's soloistic energy and passion into a brilliant ensemble style under Nurhan Arman's inspired direction.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Sinfonia Toronto
Strings Across the Sky Foundation
840 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ontario
The Strings Across the Sky (SATS) program opens the door to a rich musical experience by introducing children and youth to violin, guitar and musical performance. The program features 5 to 10 day intensive teaching sessions followed by local community concerts. With a focus on teaching in First Nation, Inuit and Metis communities throughout Canada, SATS has helped rekindle the art of fiddling and helped it remain a vital part of their cultural heritage. This program has also been embraced by and found great success in urban schools, where there are many "youth at risk".
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Strings Across the Sky Foundation
Sunfest London Committee for Cross Cultural Arts
Victoria Park, London, Ontario
All are welcome to volunteer at London's best and biggest outdoor festival! Get involved with your community while enjoying internationally acclaimed artists, vendors, and beautiful Victoria Park. Our festival would not be possible without our 400 (many returning) volunteers annually.
There are are a variety of positions available including office and information, security, sales, donations, hospitality, stage hands, Park Clean&Green (EcoStations), and more!
If you are available for a few hours on July 9-12, volunteer with us and help make this year's festival of world music and jazz the best yet!
Sunfest is proudly presented by the London Committee for Cross Cultural Arts, a non-profit organization. Every summer since 1995, Sunfest has brought together many thousands of people at the festival to celebrate the cultures of the world through music, dance, crafts and cuisine.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Sunfest London Committee for Cross Cultural Arts
Symphony in the Barn
393889 Concession 2, Durham, Ontario
Symphony in the Barn is an eclectic performing arts venue located near the town of Durham, Ontario. Set on a fully working, biodynamic farm, with performances held in The Barn, this venue has hosted many of Canada's premier performers and rising stars since 1995. Michael Schmidt, farm owner and artistic director, has presented full-scale opera performances, jazz concerts, an annual film festival, native dance troupe performances, chamber and full orchestral classical performances, and more.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Symphony in the Barn
427 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Tafelmusik's vision is to be an international centre of excellence in period performance for generations to come. To sustain this vision, Tafelmusik is now creating artists and audiences for the future through artist training and audience development activities.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Tafelmusik
The Academy Concert Series
135 Rose Avenue, Suite 403, Toronto, Ontario
Established in 1991, Academy Concert Series offers innovative and intimate chamber music concerts spanning the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras on period instruments.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Academy Concert Series
The Alianait Arts Festival
Iqaluit, Nunavut
The Alianait Arts Festival is in its 10th year of presenting music, film, storytelling, circus, arts, dance, theatre and visual arts.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Alianait Arts Festival
The Calgary Boys' Choir
2452 Battleford Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta
For forty years the Calgary Boys Choir has delighted music lovers with their beautiful tone and clear, pure sound, bringing the Choir critical and public acclaim. Our Choir not only enriches the lives of our members and Calgarians, but brings the music of Calgary's youth to the entire world.Since 1973, the Calgary Boys Choir has provided superior musical training and performance opportunities for boys aged three to twenty-five.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Boys' Choir
The Calgary Folk Club
305 - 4625 - Varsity Drive N.W., Suite 85, Calgary, Alberta
The Calgary Folk Club, largest Folk Club in Canada, runs a 13 concert Season on Friday evenings from Sept to Nov & Jan to Apr.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Folk Club
The Calgary Youth Orchestra Society
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW, Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Youth Orchestra (CYO) is Mount Royal University Conservatory's internationally acclaimed ensemble and one of Canada's leading community youth orchestras, comprised of approximately 65 musicians ages 14 to 24.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Calgary Youth Orchestra Society
The Chilliwack Academy of Music
9201 Corbould St, Chilliwack, British Columbia
We are a nonprofit music school, which means our students get the best teachers and learning experience at a competitive rate. Our students get to participate in an inspiring, supportive musical community through workshops and masterclasses, performance opportunities, and financial awards. We are a member of the BC Association of Community Music Schools (BCACMS). As a registered charity, our mission includes making quality musical experiences available and affordable to the entire community.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Chilliwack Academy of Music
The Coastal Jazz and Blues Society
316 West 6th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
The story of Coastal Jazz and Blues Society is the story of determination, passion, idealism, community, and of course, music. Founded in 1985 and incorporated in 1986, as a community based, not-for-profit, charitable arts organization located in Vancouver, British Columbia, the society, from the very beginning, has worked diligently to establish Vancouver as a centre for the creation and exchange of sounds and ideas between the local, national and international music communities.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Coastal Jazz and Blues Society