Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in Nova Scotia offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in Nova Scotia.
If your organization is located in Nova Scotia and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at
Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
5523 B Young St, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia (or LISNS) is a charitable, not-for-profit organization. We have been providing Nova Scotians with easy to understand information and resources about the law for over 30 years.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society
125 Montague Street, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
The Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society is a non-profit volunteer-based family-focused community organization which strives to celebrate the joy of traditional and contemporary folk music, dance and oral history through an annual festival and other events during the year.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society
Lunenburg Marine Museum Society
68 Bluenose Drive, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
The Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic commemorates the fishing heritage of the Atlantic coast of Canada and has recently been named as one of the top 1000 best places to see in the US and Canada before you die. Housed in brightly painted red buildings, with floating vessels at wharfside, the Museum offers a host of attractions, a maritime gift shop and restaurant.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Lunenburg Marine Museum Society
Mahone Bay Settlers Museum
578 Main Street, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia
A community museum in the heart of Mahone Bay, providing visitors and locals alike with an in-depth understanding our community's heritage.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
Volunteer Profile of Mahone Bay Settlers Museum
Mahone Islands Conservation Association
Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia
To protect and conserve the natural environment of the islands and shoreline of Mahone Bay, and the traditional, social and recreational opportunities valued by its various communities.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Mahone Islands Conservation Association
Make-A-Wish Atlantic Provinces
118 Wyse Road, Unit 10b, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
The mission of Make-A-Wishr Atlantic Provinces is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Make-A-Wish Atlantic Provinces
Marine Animal Response Society
1747 Summer St, NS Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The marine animal response society is a charitable organization dedicated to marine mammal conservation in the Maritime Provinces through education, research and rescue. In order to learn about the marine mammals that use our waters, we rely on volunteers, institutions, government agencies and industry to help us document all incidents of live and dead marine mammals in the Maritime Provinces.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Marine Animal Response Society
Maritime Concert Opera
Box 1304, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Produces two operas in concert each year on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Maritime Concert Opera
Memory Lane Family Place
22 Memory Lane, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
To provide preventative, strength-based programs and services to children and families in our community to promote healthy family development
Keywords: Family Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Memory Lane Family Place
Memory Lane Railway Museum
61 School Street, Box 962, Middleton, Nova Scotia
The Memory Lane Railway Museum is a work project of the Future View Training, Rehabilitation and Employment Association, a registered federal non-profit society engaged in bringing selected clients back into the mainsteam through meaningful envolvement in the community.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
Volunteer Profile of Memory Lane Railway Museum
Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia
300 Pleasant St., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
We're a charity dedicated to improving the lives of Nova Scotians living with mental illness and their loved ones. We raise funds for vital programs and services that help make this possible, province-wide.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia
Metro Community Housing Association
7001 Mumford Rd, Tower 2, Suite 215, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Metro Community Housing Association is a non-profit, community based agency providing support and residential services to persons who have experienced mental health difficulties.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Metro Community Housing Association
Mocean Dance
Box 783, CRO, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Mocean Dance creates and performs athletic, vibrant contemporary dance that is rooted in collaborative process, stretches physical and emotional boundaries and finds authenticity.
Keywords: Dance
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mocean Dance
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Atlantic Division
71 Ilsley Avenue, Unit 12, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
The MS Society provides services to people with multiple sclerosis and their families and funds research to find the cause and cure for this disease. We have a membership of 28,000 and are the only national voluntary organization in Canada that supports both MS research and services.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Atlantic Division
Municipality of the District of Chester Fire & Emergency Response
151 King Street, Suite 212, Chester, Nova Scotia
To serve the citizens and visitors to the Municipality of the District of Chester by making it a safer place to live and work by providing protection of life, property, and the environment from the effects of fires, medical emergencies, and all hazards within our communities.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Municipality of the District of Chester Fire & Emergency Response
Musquodoboit Trailways Association
Box 336, Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia
Musquodoboit Harbour was called "Mooskudoboogwek", a Mi'kmaq word meaning "suddenly widening out after a narrow entrance at the mouth". One of the first land grants was issued to the family of Michael Brown. In the 1780's, more were issued to the Mackay, Taylor, Guild, Jones, Rowlings, Stoddard, Bonn, and Stevens families, Loyalists all.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Musquodoboit Trailways Association
Northern AIDS Connection Society
33 Pleasant Street, Truro, Nova Scotia
The Northern AIDS Connection Society, NACS (formerly the Truro & Area Outreach Project) began in 1996 as an initiative from the Rural Development Conference hosted by the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia. Mr. Albert McNutt, realized that there was a great need for education and awareness on HIV/AIDS issues in the community.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Northern AIDS Connection Society
Northwood Care
2615 Northwood Terrace, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Northwood began in 1962 as a social movement in response to the plight of senior living alone in Halifax. What emerged was a shared belief that people, committed to an ideal, could make a difference in the world. Since its inception, Northwood has become a powerful voice for seniors in Nova Scotia, demanding a new approach to aging in place.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Northwood Care
Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers Association
Bedford, Nova Scotia
Since the program's inception in Nova Scotia we have solved serious crimes such as murder, aggravated sexual assault, fraud, arson, illegal smuggling, illegal tobacco and drug dealing.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Crime Prevention
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers Association
Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association
207 Willow St, Truro, Nova Scotia
Our Mission is to achieve comfort and peace for persons living and dying with a life threatening illness throughout Nova Scotia. The Association exists to promote the philosophy and principles of palliative care through networking, public and professional education, advocacy and research.
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association
Nova Scotia Junior Achievement
6960 Mumford Road, Suite 2068, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Junior Achievement was formed in 1919 and established its first presence in Nova Scotia in 1969 with the generous support of the Halifax Board of Trade. Our mandate is to provide youth across the province with opportunities to learn about business and entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Junior Achievement
Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities
5251 Duke Street, Suite 1211, Halifax, Nova Scotia
We are a provincial consumer organization dedicated to promoting the abilities of persons with disabilities so they may function as equals in society. We provide information and referral services to all Nova Scotians regarding disability issues and available programs and services.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities
Nova Scotia Liberal Party
5151 George Street, Suite 1400, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Liberal Party is a political party in Nova Scotia
Keywords: Politics
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Liberal Party
Nova Scotia Nature Trust
Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Nova Scotia Nature Trust was formed in 1994 by a group of Nova Scotians who foresaw the wisdom of conserving the province's increasingly threatened ecologically significant lands. We are an incorporated charitable organization and are designated as a conservation organization under the Conservation Easement Act of Nova Scotia.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Nature Trust
Nova Scotia NDP
1660 Hollis Street, Suite 1006, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia NDP is a political party in Nova Scotia
Keywords: Politics
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia NDP
Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame
1800 Argyle Street, Suite 446, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame is a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to honour, promote and preserve the sport history of Nova Scotia. We are located in the Halifax Metro Centre. Admission is Free.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Museums and Archives
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame
Nova Scotia Sport Heritage Centre
1800 Argyle St, Suite 446, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame is a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to honour, promote and preserve the sport history of Nova Scotia.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Sport Heritage Centre
Nova Scotia Trails Federation
5516 Spring Garden Road, 4th floor, Halifax, Nova Scotia
NS Trails is a Provincial Registered Charity that acts as the collective voice for recreational trails in the province. NS Trails endeavours to create a positive climate that leads to responsible and sustainable development and use of trails for the benefit of all.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Trails Federation
Opera Nova Scotia Society
6199 Chebucto Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Opera Nova Scotia exists to promote the art of opera in Nova Scotia.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Opera Nova Scotia Society
Parkinson Society Maritime Region
7071 Bayers Road, Suite 150, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Parkinson Society Maritime Region (PSMR) is the voice of Maritimers living with Parkinson's.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Parkinson Society Maritime Region
Pathways to Education Spryfield
531 Herring Cove Rd, Chebucto Connections, Spryfield, Nova Scotia
Pathways to Education reduces poverty and its effects by lowering the drop out rate among high school students from economically disadvantaged communities. Pathways works to increase high school graduation rates and help youth pursue post-secondary education and/or find meaningful employment.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Pathways to Education Spryfield
PC Party of Nova Scotia
603 - 5151 George Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia
PC Party of Nova Scotia is a political party in Nova Scotia
Keywords: Politics
Volunteer Profile of PC Party of Nova Scotia
Peaceful Schools International Society
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
Peaceful Schools International (PSI) is a Canadian non-profit, charitable organization founded in 2001. PSI provides support to schools around the world that have declared a commitment to creating and maintaining a culture of peace.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Peaceful Schools International Society
Peniel Camp
415 Cedar Lake Rd., South Ohio, Nova Scotia
Camp Peniel exists to present the Lord Jesus Christ in His fullness and love.
Keywords: Children and Youth
· Camps
Volunteer Profile of Peniel Camp
Performing Arts Lodges Halifax Ltd.
1660 Hollis St, Suite 103, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Performing Arts Lodges Halifax Ltd. ("PAL Halifax" or "PAL") is a not-for-profit society, created to provide quality affordable housing and support for professional members of the creative industries and allied professions.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Performing Arts Lodges Halifax Ltd.
Pictou County Health
835 East River Road, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
The Pictou County Health Authority is responsible for delivering health care services to the 46,000 residents of Pictou County as well as provincially accessible orthopedic surgery and pacemaker programs.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Pictou County Health
Pier 21 Society
1055 Marginal Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada has been profoundly shaped by immigration. The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 aims to inspire and enable Canadians to explore their relationships with those migrations. We envision opening that conversation on a national scale.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Pier 21 Society
Prevent Bullying: Break the Silence
Box 1171, Trenton, Nova Scotia
P.R.E.V.E.N.T (Promote, Respect, Equality, Violence Ending, Nurturing, Techniques) A resource for parents and kids to turn to for information on how to deal with bullying.
Keywords: Crime Prevention
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Prevent Bullying: Break the Silence
Prospect Road Citizens on Patrol Society
15 Kendra Crescent, Shad Bay, Nova Scotia
Citizens on Patrol is a concept that originated in Western Canada. Ordinary citizens supplement police patrols to help reduce crime by keeping a neighbourly watch over their communities. Patrols watch for any unusual and/or criminal activity, and report such incidents to the police for any necessary follow-up.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Crime Prevention
Volunteer Profile of Prospect Road Citizens on Patrol Society
Qeii Health Sciences Centre Foundation
1278 Tower Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The QEII Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization established to strengthen health care for Atlantic Canadians at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Nova Scotia.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Qeii Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Ronald McDonald House Atlantic Canada
1133 Tower Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Our House is dedicated to helping seriously ill or disabled children by providing them and their families a caring and supportive "home away from home" and by extending this care to the hospital setting in Maritime communities through our Ronald McDonald Family Roomr program.
Keywords: Health
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Ronald McDonald House Atlantic Canada
Royal Life Saving Society Canada Nova Scotia Branch
5516 Spring Garden Road, 4th Floor, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Lifesaving Society is a national volunteer organization and registered charity, composed of tens of thousands of individual members and over 2,000 affiliated aquatic facilities, municipalities, waterfronts and schools. Established in England in 1891 as The Swimmers' Life Saving Society, we became the Royal Life Saving Society in 1904. Today, we are known to Canadians simply as the Lifesaving Society.
Keywords: Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Royal Life Saving Society Canada Nova Scotia Branch
Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia
Box 42, River Hebert, Nova Scotia
The Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia (RCF) is a charitable foundation governed by a volunteer Board of Directors from across the province. The foundation was formed in 2001 through a partnership with Literacy Nova Scotia and the Coastal Communities Network.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia
Salutary Angels - Les Anges Bienfaisants
5227 South St, Unit A, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Salutary Angels/Les Anges Bienfaisants is a non-profit charitable organization (Charitable Registration #84458 4672 RR0001) based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, since January 2005.
Our mission is to improve women's health and maternal care services in rural areas of Haiti with a long-term vision of reducing maternal mortality in the country.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Salutary Angels - Les Anges Bienfaisants
Second Story Women's Centre
22 King St, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Second Story Women's Centre Co-creating a safe place for women and girls to rise to their full potential.
SSWC has been serving women and girls in Lunenburg County for 30 years.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Second Story Women's Centre
Shakespeare By the Sea Theatre Society
5799 Charles St, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Shakespeare by the Sea is an artist-driven collaborative organization. Under the guidance of a Board of Directors, the company offers a full repertory season of outdoor summer theatre, traditionally ranging from July 1 to Labour Day.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Shakespeare By the Sea Theatre Society
Shearwater Aviation Museum
12 Wing, Shearwater Aviation Museum, Shearwater, Nova Scotia
The Shearwater Aviation Museum's mandate is to collect, preserve, display and promote the history of Maritime Military Aviation at the air station now known as 12 Wing Shearwater, from 1918 to the present time.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Shearwater Aviation Museum
Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion
170 Water St, Shelburne, Nova Scotia
SASI is an organization that is committed to providing quality, person-centered programs to benefit individuals with disabilities and mental health difficulties. Or Mission statement is "working with persons with disabilities to improve the quality of their lives by providing hands on training and learning opportunities".
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion
Ship's Company Theatre
18 Lower Main St., Box 275, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia
Ship's Company Theatre is a professional theatre company located in the coastal community of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, Canada. Now celebrating its 30th season, Ship's Company Theatre is a prime centre for the production and development of Canadian and Atlantic theatre serving a local, regional, and tourist audience.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ship's Company Theatre
Shoreham Village Senior Citizens Association
50 Shoreham Crescent, Chester, Nova Scotia
Shoreham Village Senior Citizens Association was founded by a group of local citizens in 1974 as a non-profit organization and is governed by a volunteer board of directors.
Keywords: Seniors
· Independence
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Shoreham Village Senior Citizens Association