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Finland Medical Schools and Programs

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Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Medical schools and programs from universities, colleges and higher education institutions in Finland.

Medical Education in Finland

University of Helsinki - Faculty of Medicine
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 20, 00014, Helsinki, 14, Helsinki, Finland
Visiting Address: Tukholmankatu 8 B, Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 91911, Fax: +358 9 19126629 or +358 919126638

University of Helsinki - Faculty of Medicine was established the year that the university itself began, in 1640. The Faculty is involved in research and education of students, who wish to have career in the field of Medicine. Students can take up research and professionally oriented programs in various fields of Medicine. It is the only institution that offers programs in the field of Medicine bilingually, using Finnish as well as Swedish as the medium of instruction.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


University of Kuopio - Faculty of Medicine
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1627, 70211, Kuopio, 70211, Kuopio, Finland
Visiting Address: Yliopistonranta 1 A, Medistudia, 4th floor, Kuopio, Eastern Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 17 16 2211, Fax: +358 17 16 2968

University of Kuopio was established in 1972, and its Faculty of Medicine is one of five Faculties of Medicine in Finland. The institution has been educating students in the field of medicine, since the year of its establishment. The institution also offers a variety of programs in the field of Health Sciences. The faculty promotes and is involved in high quality research of international standards.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5000, 90014, Oulu, 90014, Oulu, Finland
Visiting Address: Aapistie 5 A, Oulu, Oulu, Finland

Telephone: +358 8 537 5011, Fax: +358 8 537 5011

University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine is one of the five Faculties of Medicine in Finland. The Faculty of Medicine offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in fields of Dentistry, Nursing, Health Sciences and Clinical Laboratory Science. The medium of instruction is Finnish, making it mandatory for students to be proficient in the language. There are however a few courses that are taught in English too.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


University of Tampere - Medical School
Visiting Address: Medisiinarinkatu 3, B bld, Tampere, Western Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 3 355 111, Fax: +358 3 3551 7385

University of Tampere was established as the School of Social Sciences in Helsinki, in the year 1925. Its Medical School is one of its kinds in Finland and has been involved in research and education. The institution has formed relationships with other medical faculties in Finland as well as other international institution, promoting research in various fields such as, cancer biology and pediatric gastroenterology.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine
Visiting Address: Kiinamyllynkatu 13, Turku, Western Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 2 333 81, Fax: +358 2 333 8413

University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine was established in the year 1943, and the university itself was established in the year 1920. The faculty offers a variety of undergraduate and post graduate programs. Students have to be well versed in the local language, as Finnish is the medium of instruction. The faculty members are trained experts, who have many years of experience in the field.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


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