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Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Finland

Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Tampere University of Technology - Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto

English language section of Tampere University of Technology

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Technology and Engineering

Institution Profile

Established in Tampere, Finland in 1972, the Tampere University of Technology started out as a subsidiary of the Helsinki University of Technology in 1965. Today, the university caters to nearly 13000 students, with 2000 members of staff. The university is also involved with a number of international activities, with many students studying abroad on exchange programs and students from other countries coming to do research.

The Tampere University of Technology is also the second largest technology university in Finland, offering bachelor degree programs in technology and architecture, as well as master's degree courses in those same subjects. Doctoral degrees are also available in philosophy, architecture and technology. A range of international master's programs are also available, which cover two years and are taught in English. Courses are available for subjects like biomedical engineering and information technology.

Students at the Tampere University of Technology can also take advantage of the JOOPAS Agreement, which states that, university degree students can finish a portion of their degree at any Finnish university. The university is also home to a Center of Excellence in Research for its signal processing research group. The center was appointed by the Academy of Finland and the Ministry of Education. The university also runs a language center, which offers training in 9 languages, including Japanese, Spanish, and Italian. International students can also learn Finnish, and language instruction is provided in three levels- beginner, beginner 2, and intermediate.


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