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Turku School of Economics, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Turku School of Economics, Finland

Turku School of Economics - Turun kauppakorkeakoulu

English language section of Turku School of Economics

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Business

Institution Profile

Founded in Turku, Finland in 1950, the Turku School of Economics offers a range of study programs in various aspects of business, management and economics. The institute is especially focused on encouraging entrepreneurial activities and in developing practical applications of business knowledge. The institute is also involved in research projects, the majority of which have been published abroad.

The Turku School of Economics currently offers graduate and postgraduate courses in economics and business administration. A licentiate of science and doctor of science degree are also available for these subjects as well as a doctor of philosophy degree. A master's program is also available that offers courses in global information technology management, global innovation management and future studies. A range of non-degree courses are also available.

Business counseling services are available at the Turku School of Economics, which are tailor-made to deal with the issues of each individual company and business. A range of adult education courses and continuing education programs are also offered. The institute is also home to the Business Research and Development Center, which has training for a range of needs including small businesses and executive education. The institute also offers career services for its students and gives advice on job searching as well as drawing out a career strategy. The career services division also works with employers and helps them find candidates that would be best suited for their employee needs. The institute also offers training for a number of languages.


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