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University of Turku, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for University of Turku, Finland

University of Turku - Turun yliopisto

English language section of University of Turku

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

University of Turku is one of the leading educational institutions in Finland. It was established in the year 1920. It comprises of the Faculties of Medicine, Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Law and Education. It offers its students a lot of facilities such as, modern classrooms and labs that are well equipped, cafeterias on campus, libraries, bookstores, and computing centers. The students also have many opportunities to participate in sporting vents of their choice. It is involved in programs such as, the Finnish Russian Student Exchange Program, Erasmus, and Nordplus-programs.

University of Turku offers eight Masters Programs that have English as the medium of instruction and one Finnish program that is available to the international students. The Master's degree programs can be completed in 2 years and they can take up programs in Learning, Learning Environments and Educational Systems, Information Technology, Environmental Sciences, Institutions and Social Mechanisms, European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society, Bioinformatics and Asian Studies. The institution offers several Licentiate or Doctoral degrees too. The institution also offers its students various study abroad opportunities as part of the programs.

University of Turku has a very well stocked library that is extremely useful for research as well as teaching purposes. The institution does not charge tuition fee, as University level education is offered free of charge in Finland. It however, promotes education by offering several grants and scholarships to deserving students.


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