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University of Vaasa, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

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Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for University of Vaasa, Finland

University of Vaasa - Vaasan yliopisto

English language section of University of Vaasa

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

The University of Vaasa runs a wide array of courses from its four major faculties. These faculties include the faculty of Business Studies, faculty of Technology, Faculty of Humanities, and the Faculty of Public Administration.

The University of Vaasa is a multidisciplinary University that offers degrees at all academic levels from Bachelor's to Doctor's. The teaching and research activities of the University are widely focused on business studies, administration, technology, languages and culture.

The maritime campus of the University of Vaasa presents a modern study environment for about five thousand students. The university offers flexible opportunities for studying. The business studies teaching and research of the University are highly recognized, and the University of Vaasa is the second largest provider of business studies in Finland.

Key areas within business studies at the University of Vaasa include the study of financing and financial markets, entrepreneurship, consumer behaviour, and internalisation of enterprises. The humanities and social sciences have their own strength areas, such as intercultural communication, languages for special purposes, language immersion, and comparative administrative sciences. In the field of technology, the University's areas of expertise are automation technology, electrical engineering, computer science and telecommunications engineering.

The University of Vaasa occupies one of Finland's newest campus areas close to the sea. Three of its faculties are situated in a former Cotton Mill. There are also apartments for visiting guest lecturers as well as students' lodgings in traditional Finnish wooden houses in the area. The campus is located in Palosaari, an area about 15 minutes' walk from the centre of Vaasa.


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