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MF Norwegian School of Theology, Norway

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Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for MF Norwegian School of Theology, Norway

MF Norwegian School of Theology - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet

English language section of MF Norwegian School of Theology

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Religion and Theology

Institution Profile

MF Norwegian School of Theology was established as a sovereign theological school in 1907 by pastors and lay people belonging to the Lutheran Church of Norway. They believed in the authority of the Holy Scriptures, and the Lutheran Confessions, and wanted it to be the foundation for pastoral ministry and theological studies. It has been one of the most popular theological institutions of Norway. The college boasts of being the training ground of around 70 % of the clergy of the Church of Norway, teachers, missionaries, catechists and other workers in church and society.

MF Norwegian School of Theology is located very near to the University of Oslo. The college building has small classrooms and numerous auditoriums. It has a big cafeteria and a beautiful chapel. The college is dedicated to the Christian identity and excellence in academics. It serves the church dedicatedly. With time it has grown to be a very popular international school with a global focus - both student wise as well as its course curriculum.

MF Norwegian School of Theology has a library that is considered to be one of the biggest theological libraries in Norway. The library is richly stocked and is looked after by five student assistants and five qualified librarians. Along with the library services, one also finds modern IT services. The academic faculty is competent and qualified and they keep on updating their knowledge with research.


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