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Norwegian National Defence College, Norway

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Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Norwegian National Defence College, Norway

Norwegian National Defence College - Forsvarets høgskole

English language section of Norwegian National Defence College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

The Norwegian National Defence College is located in Oslo. It provides courses, which are open to high ranked military personnel and senior civilians with important positions in society. Military officers from different departments and civil servants have designed all the courses offered at this college. It is a military institution and is headed by a Commandant, who is by rank a major general or rear admiral. It is part of the Norwegian Defence Academy and reports to the Chief of Defence. The current Commandant is Rear Admiral Arne Roksund, who also has a Ph.D. in History.

The courses provided by the Norwegian National Defence College are directly related to aspects in defence. They teach topics which are relevant to civil emergency planning as well as military defence. The courses delve into Norwegian society and the way it works. The main emphasis is on the interaction and relationship between the civil emergency planning and military defence. A number of international issues are also covered to fully understand the implications they have on Norwegian defence. These include migration, peacekeeping, international politics, and terrorism.

There are different courses and seminars offered at the Norwegian National Defence College. The Attaché course is for three weeks in a year, while the Information course is a one-week course. The Total Defence course is a two-month course, while the main course lasts for five months every year.


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