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Norwegian School of Information Technology, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

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Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Norwegian School of Information Technology, Norway

Norwegian School of Information Technology - Norges Informasjonsteknologiske Høgskole

English language section of Norwegian School of Information Technology

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Anthon B. Nielson privately owns the Norwegian School of Information Technology. The college is located in Oslo. It provides postgraduate courses in Information Technology, in association with Brunel University of London. It is the only university college in Norway that offers specialized information technology education. It is also the largest provider of bachelor’s degrees in Norway in the area of Information Systems. There are currently around six hundred students in the college. The faculty includes twenty-five experienced lecturers.

Lecturers teach the postgraduate courses from the Norwegian School of Information Technology as well as Brunel University of London. There are two postgraduate programs offered at the college at present. The Master of Science is a two-year course, which is undertaken by part time study. The Master of Technology course is covered in two years as well, but is a full time study program. The college undertakes extensive research in the field of Information Systems and is focused on building the research activity to a more international level.

There are many student societies, which provide plenty of extracurricular activities for the students. These include the pub society, athletics society, student newspaper and marketing society. Many international students come to study at the Norwegian School of Information Technology. There is an assistance center for international students at the college. The campus itself is well equipped with modern information technology facilities, to enhance the learning experience.


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