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Norwegian School of Sport Science, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

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Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Norwegian School of Sport Science, Norway

Norwegian School of Sport Science - Norges idrettshøgskole

English language section of Norwegian School of Sport Science

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

The Norwegian School of Sport Science is in Oslo. It provides education in the field of Sport Science in the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels. The courses are offered on full time as well as part time basis. There are more than a thousand students studying at the college. The college is a specialized college and provides seven courses at the Bachelor’s degree. The first year is common to the Bachelor’s degree programs, as it is the basis year. Students can specialize from the second year.

The courses offered at the Bachelor’s level include coaching, sport management, sport biology, physical activity, and health. Students graduating at the Bachelor’s level can move on to the Master’s level to study specialized modules. The Master’s graduates can in turn go on to the PhD level, which is a three-year program. Master’s graduates in other relevant streams can also apply for these programs. Many courses are taught on a part time basis. Almost half the students are part time students. Several seminars and short-term courses are also organized.

The Norwegian School of Sport Science welcomes international students. It does so mainly in collaboration with international exchange programs like Erasmus. It has agreements with universities in Germany, United Kingdom, and Switzerland. It also has an agreement with the University of Berkeley California for its doctoral students to make research visits.


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