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Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

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Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Norway

Norwegian School of Veterinary Science - Norges veterinærhøgskole

English language section of Norwegian School of Veterinary Science

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science offers several courses in the fields of animal welfare and veterinary sciences. The college was founded in 1935 and is the only college in Norway that provides education and training to veterinary surgeons and nurses. Most of the veterinary research in the country is undertaken at the college. It is a state owned college, which has a university status. There are more than 450 students in the college at present.

The college is divided into four main departments of study. These include Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine, Food Safety and Infection Biology, Companion Animal Clinical Sciences and Production Animal Clinical Sciences. Apart from these departments of teaching, the college also has a central clinical laboratory and a section for laboratory animals. It also runs several veterinary hospitals and clinics all over Oslo.

The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science specializes in veterinary medicine and nursing. It also offers two international Master’s degrees in Food Safety and Aquatic Medicine. The PhD program is a three-year course, where an additional year has to be spent in teaching in the college. The college has an extensive library for research and provides free Internet access. It recommends students to bring their own laptops. Scholarships are available for a select few eligible students. The school also provides extra training for foreign veterinarians, who wish to get authorization to practice in Norway.


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