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Oslo University College, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Oslo University College, Norway

Oslo University College - Høgskolen i Oslo

English language section of Oslo University College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Oslo University College provides degree programmes in a large range of subject areas. The college offers over fifty academic degrees in the fields of Engineering, Business Administration, Health Sciences, Media Studies and Drama to name a few. The college was formed in 1994 when there was a restructuring in the education system in Norway and eighteen small colleges in Oslo combined. The Oslo University College is divided into seven faculties, which specialise in different subjects. Some of them are the Faculties of Nursing, Engineering, Journalism, Social Sciences and Education.

There are over thirty Bachelor’s degrees and several Master’s degrees offered in the college. All courses have theoretical as well as practical teaching methods and provide a complete professional education to its students. There are some centres for research in the college, which are used, by teachers and students alike for their research work. These are the Centre for Educational Research and Development, National Centre for Multicultural Education and Centre for the Study of Professionals.

The Oslo University College facilitates international exchange of students and staff as they wish to improve the quality in education by internationalisation. The college campus has many facilities for students such as gyms, cafeterias and a student pub. Interest based groups are also present such as sports and music groups. Events like excursions and hikes are organised for exchange students by the International office.


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