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RMH - Scandinavian School of Management, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for RMH - Scandinavian School of Management, Norway

RMH - Scandinavian School of Management - Rogaland Markedshøyskole

English language section of RMH - Scandinavian School of Management

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

RMH - Scandinavian School of Management offers students various undergraduate programs that have been approved and recognized by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. The various programs have durations ranging from one and three years, with two semesters in each academic year. Students can tailor their education and take up flexible mode of education whereby they can complete subjects one at a time.

RMH - Scandinavian School of Management offers programs in English to international and national students who desire to take them up. A-F grading system has been adopted and students require a minimum E grade to pass their examinations. The institution has a well equipped library and students are also offered ample opportunities to participate in cultural and sporting activities. Students of the institution are automatically considered to be members of the Student Union in Stavanger and can make use of the facilities available to the members.

RMH - Scandinavian School of Management offers three programs in fields such as Marketing and Business Management, Business Administration and the Diploma in Marketing and Business Management. The various programs help students who wish to secure employment after graduation and also help students who wish to enhance their educational qualifications. The training provides them with the necessary experience to face their work environments with confidence. The small class sizes and the personalized attention given to them by the dedicated instructors help them get a comprehensive learning experience.


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