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Rudolf Steiner University College, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Rudolf Steiner University College, Norway

Rudolf Steiner University College - Rudolf Steinerhøyskolen

English language section of Rudolf Steiner University College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Rudolf Steiner University College is an educational institution that trains students who wish to qualify as trained teachers. The institution offers various programs that help the students to develop as individuals who students will look up to and admire. The students are trained to be enthusiastic learners themselves who are trained in all skills that are necessary to make them expert instructors. The students are trained and encouraged to be their creative best in various artistic fields that will help them when they take up their vocation.

Rudolf Steiner University College offers students training in the Steiner philosophy of education and they are made to attend lectures given by guest speakers, which will help them, gain knowledge of wide variety of subjects relating to everyday life. Some of the lectures are given by academic professionals while others are given by people with a vast deal of practical work experience. The second term focuses on developing their artistic talents and helps them gain insight about how human beings relate to forms. The second year trains students in aspects of sound and rhythm. In the next term, they concentrate on Language. The last and final year focuses on training about children's development in various classes and students also get to specialize in a subject of their choice.

Rudolf Steiner University College offers its various programs with Norwegian as the medium of instruction. International students have to be suitably well versed in the language in order to take up the programs. Students can also take up two-year master's programs in fields such as Educational Action Research and Environmental Education.


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