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Lund University - Malmö Academy of Music, Sweden

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Lund University - Malmö Academy of Music, Sweden

Lund University - Malmö Academy of Music - Lunds universitet - Musikhögskolan i Malmö

English language section of Lund University - Malmö Academy of Music

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Fine Arts and Design

Institution Profile

The Lund University - Malmö Academy of Music is based in Malmo in Sweden. The institute is mainly concerned with two main aspects of music- one being musical traditions and their roots, the other being expression in music. As a result, the range of the programs offered is far reaching- performers as well as music teachers and those studying music theories can find study programs here. The courses of study range from improvisation and orchestral training to baroque interpretation and music production.

The Lund University - Malmö Academy of Music is open to students from the international community and offers a separate course of study for them, which includes interpretation and composition. All other study programs fall under three main categories, namely performance and composition, music education and church music. The institute also provides research opportunities for students, looking to pursue a doctoral degree in music education. Successful graduates of the institute will find themselves skilled in a number of different instruments as well as musical styles. Students also gain a large amount of practical experience, by working under tutors in places like music schools and community centers.

The Lund University - Malmö Academy of Music is also well known in the local community for providing approximately 150 public concerts and performances each year. A number of music festivals and seminars are also held and an Open House is held once a year for the general public.


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