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Career Opportunities in Orthodontics in Canada

Career and employment opportunities for Canadian university students graduating in Orthodontics.

| University Programs in Canada | Orthodontics |

Employment Resources and Professions Available to Orthodontics Graduates

Those with a background in orthodontics can work in a dentist's office where they work with patients requiring braces or retainers. They can either work in collaboration with other dentists or go into solo practice.

Outside of private practice, orthodontists can work as dental educators in the post-secondary school system, as researchers, in dental administration, or as sales representatives for dental supply companies. Orthodontists can also work internationally, for instance for the Red Cross, Dentists Without Borders, or as volunteer dentists working in third-world countries.

A background in orthodontics can also lead to a degree in surgery, otolaryngology, orthopedics, or other medical specialties. Graduates can also branch into biomedical sciences such as nanoengineering, biomaterials, and biomechanics.

Study and Work in Orthodontics in Canada

Study Orthodontics in Canada
What is Orthodontics? Discover similiar and related programs and universities in Canada offering Orthodontics degrees.

Graduate Orthodontics Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to a graduate and/or postgraduate PhD program in Orthodontics.

What Orthodontics Students Learn
Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Orthodontics.

Research in Orthodontics
Research areas, topics, interests and projects in Orthodontics.

Orthodontics Programs in Canada

Canada Canada

Alberta Alberta

British Columbia British Columbia

Greater Toronto Area Greater Toronto Area

Greater Vancouver Greater Vancouver

Manitoba Manitoba

Ontario Ontario

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