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Finland Business Schools and Programs

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Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Business schools and programs from universities, colleges and higher education institutions in Finland.

Business Education in Finland

Hanken - Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 479, 00101, Helsinki, 101, Helsinki, Finland
Visiting Address: Arkadiankatu 22, Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 9 431 331, Fax: +358 9 431 33 333

The Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland was founded in 1909. The school has many more numbers of international students than any other Finnish business university. The university is organized into seven departments. The university has its campuses in campuses in Helsinki and in Vaasa. The school has almost 7000 graduates working in over 20 countries.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


Hanken - Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration - Vaasa
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 287, 65101, Vaasa, 65101, Vaasa, Finland
Visiting Address: Kauppapuistikko 2, Vaasa, Western Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 6 3533 700, Fax: +358 6 3533 703

The Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland was founded in 1909. The school has many more numbers of international students than any other Finnish business university. The university is organized into seven departments. The university has its campuses in campuses in Helsinki and in Vaasa. The school has almost 7000 graduates working in over 20 countries.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


Helsinki School of Economics
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1210, 00101, Helsinki, 100, Helsinki, Finland
Visiting Address: Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 9 43131, Fax: +358 9 4313 8707

The Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration was founded in 1904, but it gained the status of university in 1911. There are about four thousand students enrolled in various courses in the university, including several hundred students from different parts of the world. Besides that, there over four hundred researchers, teachers and service personnel.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


Turku School of Economics
Visiting Address: Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, Turku, Western Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 2 481 481, Fax: +358 2 481 4299

The Turku School of Economics was started in 1950 and is located in Turku, Finland. The institute offers a range of graduate, postgraduate and continuing education courses for various aspects of economics and business. Business counseling services are also provided as well as a department of languages.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


Turku School of Economics - Pori
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 170, 28101, Pori, 28101, Pori, Finland
Visiting Address: Pohjoisranta 11 A, Pori, Western Finland, Finland

Telephone: +358 2 481 481, Fax: +358 2 481 4299

The Turku School of Economics was started in 1950 and is located in Turku, Finland. The institute offers a range of graduate, postgraduate and continuing education courses for various aspects of economics and business. Business counseling services are also provided as well as a department of languages.

Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities


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