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A Special Theatre Experience

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October 12, 2005

Source: University College of Cape Breton:

A Special Theatre Experience

(Sydney, NS) – A special theatre experience is coming to Whitney Pier, Cape Breton on October 28 and 29, with the staging of two-award winning one-act plays by a father and son on the same night. The plays take place at St. Alban’s Hall.

"Carlin’s Field," by the late Leo Jessome, was the Boardmore Trophy winner for best original play at Cape Breton University in 2002. "Reading," by his son, Ken Jessome, won the award the following year and went on in 2004 to win Best Canadian Production at the Nova Scotia Liverpool International Theatre Festival. It also received rave reviews in such publications as the Halifax-Chronicle Herald and the Antigonish Casket.

The plays are distinctive not only because they are written by a father and a son, but because independently of each other Leo and Ken found themselves writing about the same subject: the Sydney Steel Plant, where they both had been employed. The demise of this industry and its consequences for the community are treated with wild humour and heart-breaking insight by both playwrights, and together the plays promise to provide an evening of remarkable theatre.

The plays are being published this fall by Cape Breton University Press in a book entitled "Carrying Their Load," edited by Todd Hiscock, theatre director at the university’s Boardmore Playhouse and director of "Carlin’ Field."

"The publication of "Carlin’s Field" and "Reading" will allow many other theatre companies the opportunity to read and produce these two plays," says Hiscock. "It is exciting that we have this opportunity to produce both plays again, this time in Whitney Pier where both plays are set and where Ken and I grew up."

Start time is 7:00 p.m. on both Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29. Tickets are $10 per person and are available at Whitney Pier Pharmasave and Cape Breton Curiosity Shop, Charlotte Street, or by calling Todd Hiscock at 563-1351 or Ken Jessome at 562-5116.


For more information:
Kelly Rose
Communications Officer, Cape Breton University
Tel: (902) 563-1638



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