Volunteer in British Columbia, Canada
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Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in British Columbia.
If your organization is located in British Columbia and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.
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Better Environmentally Sound Transportation Association
822 - 510 West Hastings St, Vancouver, British Columbia
BEST has been promoting sustainable transportation in the Lower Mainland of BC since 1991. Formed by a group of dedicated cyclists 23 years ago, BEST opened Vancouver's first do-it-yourself bike store (Our Community Bikes) and coordinated Ride for the Environment events during National Environment Week, at a time when bicycling was still a fringe transportation mode.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Better Environmentally Sound Transportation Association
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Williams Lake
369 Oliver St, Suite 200, Williams Lake, British Columbia
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Williams Lake
Big Brothers Big Sisters Abbotsford, Mission, Ridge Meadows
Branch: Abbotsford
2445 West Railway Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia
Big Brothers Big Sisters Abbotsford, Mission, Ridge Meadows has been creating friendships since 1969. We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Abbotsford, Mission, Ridge Meadows
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook
930 Baker Street, Cranbrook, British Columbia
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook is a non-profit organization and registered charity in operation in Cranbrook since 1977.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fort St. John
9915 104th Street, Fort St John, British Columbia
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fort St. John
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fraser Valley
Branch: Chilliwack
45195 Wells Rd, Chilliwack, British Columbia
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fraser Valley
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kamloops & Region
821 Seymour Street, Kamloops, British Columbia
Big Brothers was organized in Kamloops in 1963, and in 1969, it was granted a charter and became a chapter of Big Brothers of BC. Then, in 1978, the Kamloops chapter became a society and thus incorporated under the Societies Act. It wasn't until 1984 that the Big Sisters program was incorporated and we became Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kamloops & Region
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley
201-20538 Fraser Hwy, Langley, British Columbia
We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
102-1193 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver was established in 1978. We now run our prevention-based mentoring programs in Burnaby, Delta, Surrey, New Westminster, the North Shore, Richmond, the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, with a satellite agency along the Sea-to-Sky Corridor.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
Big Heart Rescue Society
Box 45502 Sunnyside RPO, Surrey, British Columbia
Big Heart Rescue works within the Province of British Columbia with a special focus on remote First Nations communities without a resident veterinarian. Communities we work with include Waglisla (Bella Bella), Shearwater, Bella Coola, Wuikinuxw (Oweekeno) and Klemtu on the Central Coast.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Big Heart Rescue Society
Big Little Science Centre Society
711 Windsor Avenue, Bert Edwards Science and Technology School, Kamloops, British Columbia
The BIG Little Science Centre Society (BLSCS) was established in October 2002 and registered as a charitable organization in September 2003. The Society has a leadership of volunteer directors who meet monthly. The current Volunteer Board represents a diverse range of experience and skills including education, accounting, engineering, business, science and the trades.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Big Little Science Centre Society
Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
34 East 12th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Today, Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland is a thriving organization of over 600 volunteers, 767 girls served in 2015, 22 employees, a Board of Directors and Honourary Advisory Board, and many community supporters.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
Bird Studies Canada Etudes d'Oiseaux Canada
Branch: British Columbia Program Office
5421 Robertson Road, R.R. # 1, Delta, British Columbia
Bird Studies Canada is a not-for-profit organization built on the enthusiastic contributions of thousands of volunteer Citizen Scientists. Data from Bird Studies Canada's volunteer surveys and targeted research projects are used to identify significant population changes and help direct conservation planning.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Bird Studies Canada
Black Creek Community Centre
2001 Black Creek Road, Black Creek, British Columbia
The Black Creek Community Centre is fueled by the hard work and passion of Black Creekers. Did you know we are one of the few community centre on Vancouver Island run by a non-profit society? This is something to be proud of, considering Black Creek has enjoyed a highly-successful community centre since 1958.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Black Creek Community Centre
Block Watch Society of British Columbia
6450 Roberts Street, Suite 275, Burnaby, British Columbia
The Block Watch program fights the isolation and separation that crime creates and feeds upon, it forges bonds among area residents and businesses, helps reduce burglaries and other crime, and improves relations between the police and the community they serve.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Crime Prevention
Volunteer Profile of Block Watch Society of British Columbia
Board of Education of School District No. 36
14225 56 Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
We engage our students in developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to build a healthy, democratic and diverse society.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Board of Education of School District No. 36
Board of School Trustees District No. 39 Vancouver
1580 W Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Vancouver School District 39 is a large, urban and multicultural school district that includes some of the most affluent and impoverished urban neighbourhoods in the country. This setting provides wonderful opportunities as well as serious challenges.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Board of School Trustees District No. 39 Vancouver
Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medecine Society
435 Columbia St, Suite 300, New Westminster, British Columbia
The Boucher Institute is also home to the Boucher Naturopathic Medical Clinic. Providing first-rate natural health care for the whole family, the clinic equips our clinic interns with essential hands-on experience in the art and science of practicing naturopathic medicine. The Boucher Institute also proudly partners with four external community clinics which enable students to gain experience treating different patient groups using a range of treatment modalities.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medecine Society
Bowen Island Public Library Foundation
Bowen Island Library, Bowen Island, British Columbia
The Bowen Island Public Library is located a minute's walk from the ferry terminal in Snug Cove in what is known as "The Old General Store". We are located at the corner of Government Road and Cardena across from the cenotaph at 430 Bowen Trunk Rd.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Bowen Island Public Library Foundation
Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops
Island Parkway South, McArthur Island Youth Centre, Kamloops, British Columbia
Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops has been providing valuable social recreational programming for children, youth and families in our community since 1955. We provide high quality programs addressing a wide variety of community needs.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops
Boys and Girls Club Services of Greater Victoria
1240 Yates St, Victoria, British Columbia
We are a non-profit organization and a lead provider of before and after school programs, youth justice programs and other youth and family services in Greater Victoria.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Boys and Girls Club Services of Greater Victoria
Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
Branch: Central Office
2875 St. George Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver & Boys and Girls Club Community Services of Delta/Richmond merged to form Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
Branch: North Delta Office
11861 88th Ave, Suite 301, Delta, British Columbia
Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver & Boys and Girls Club Community Services of Delta/Richmond merged to form Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
Brentwood Bay Old School Hall Society
21-2654 Lancelot Pl, Saanichton, British Columbia
Central Saanich has a rich historical past that helps define our beautiful corner of the world. Check the links at the left for information on Central Saanich's history and current heritage-related activities.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Brentwood Bay Old School Hall Society
Brentwood College Association
2735 Mt Baker Road, Mill Bay, British Columbia
An independent university preparatory boarding school for boys and girls in grades 9 through 12 on Vancouver Island in Mill Bay, BC, Canada.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Brentwood College Association
Britannia Community Services Centre
1661 Napier St, Vancouver, British Columbia
To develop, coordinate and support a wide range of excellent programs and services for Grandview-Woodland and Strathcona, by working with community members, partners, and local agencies.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Britannia Community Services Centre
British Columbia Aboriginal Veterans and Serving Members Association
34 Kingham Place, Victoria, British Columbia
The B.C. Association's challenge is to contact and register all the Aboriginal Veterans in British Columbia to ensure that the New Veterans Charter Services and Benefits are understood and their voices are heard and needs are met.
Keywords: Military
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Aboriginal Veterans and Serving Members Association
British Columbia Aviation Museum
1910 Norseman Road, Sidney, British Columbia
The BC Aviation Museum Society is dedicated to preserving aircraft and aviation artefacts. We collect, restore and display aircraft and artefacts related to the history of aviation in Canada, with emphasis on British Columbia.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Aviation Museum
British Columbia Bereavement Helpline
984 W Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia
The BC Bereavement Helpline (BCBH) is here for you. We are a non-profit, free, and confidential service that connects the public to grief support services within the province of BC. Whether you are looking for bereavement support groups, community events, information on BC Bereavement Day, information on how to donate or to volunteer with us you will find it here. Please call the BC Bereavement Helpline and speak with one of our caring volunteers for information on our bereavement support groups, agencies, and peer-based support.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Bereavement Helpline
British Columbia Centre for Ability
2805 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia
The BC Centre for Ability provides community-based services that enhance the quality of life for children, youth and adults with disabilities and their families in ways that facilitate and build competencies and foster inclusion in all aspects of life
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Centre for Ability
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
1188 Georgia St W, Suite 550, Vancouver, British Columbia
The BC Civil Liberties Association was established in 1962 and is the oldest and most active civil liberties group in Canada. We are funded by the Law Foundation of B.C. and by citizens who believe in what we do.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Advocacy and Human Rights
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
British Columbia Crime Prevention Association
120 - 12414 - 82 Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
The BC Crime Prevention Association is an integrated team of citizens and police, dedicated to preventing crime. We provide ongoing province-wide education and awareness through our community partnerships.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Crime Prevention
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Crime Prevention Association
British Columbia Forest Museum
2892 Drinkwater Rd, Duncan, British Columbia
The BC Forest Discovery Centre is a 100-acre, open air museum with an operational railway in Duncan, British Columbia. The Centre features forest and marsh trails with excellent bird watching opportunities. The story of BC's forest industry is shared through exhibits, heritage buildings, and logging artifacts. Special events are offered throughout the year that include family activities and workshops for adults and seniors.
The Centre is operated by the BC Forest Museum Society, a non-profit and charitable organization (Federal Charitable Tax number 0521195-50-28).
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Forest Museum
British Columbia Institute of Technology Foundation
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
The BCIT Foundation secures gifts that support BCIT Schools in creating opportunities and enhancing the learning experience of our students.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Institute of Technology Foundation
British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society
1889 Springfield Rd., Suite 203, Kelowna, British Columbia
The BC Lake Stewardship Society (BCLSS) is a registered non-profit society (S-37467) with charitable status, dedicated to the preservation and protection of British Columbia's lakes.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society
British Columbia Law Institute
1822 East Mall, University Of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
The British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI) carries out scholarly research, writing and analysis for law reform, collaborating with government and other entities, and providing materials and support for outreach and public information. The Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL) carries out similar work focused on issues of interest to older adults.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Law Institute
British Columbia Lions Society for Children with Disabilities & Easter Seals BC
3981 Oak Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Our Mandate is: to enrich the lives of children in British Columbia and the Yukon by "giving children abilities"
Our Vision is: to continue providing not only specialized services and facilities, but also challenging and supporting young hearts and minds as well. Giving children with disabilities self-esteem, self-confidence and a sense of independence is what our community is all about.
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Lions Society for Children with Disabilities & Easter Seals BC
British Columbia Schizophrenia Society
6011 Westminster Hwy, Suite 201, Richmond, British Columbia
The British Columbia Schizophrenia Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1982 by families and friends of people with schizophrenia. Since then, BCSS has grown into a province-wide family support system with 30 Branches, 11 Regional Coordinators, 3 Program Coordinators and over 1600 members.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Schizophrenia Society
British Columbia Schizophrenia Society, Victoria Branch
941 Kings Road, Victoria, British Columbia
BCSS Victoria provides services for people with mental illness, regardless of their diagnosis, and the people who care about them.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Schizophrenia Society, Victoria Branch
British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Branch: Victoria
3150 Napier Lane, Victoria, British Columbia
The BC SPCA Victoria Branch provides care and protection to thousands of animals each year.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
1245 7th Ave E, Vancouver, British Columbia
The BC SPCA Victoria Branch provides care and protection to thousands of animals each year.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
British Columbia Technology for Learning Society
6741 Cariboo Rd., Unit 206, Burnaby, British Columbia
British Columbia Technology for Learning Society is a registered charity in good standing. We were incorporated in 1995 and are able to issue tax receipts for equipment donated to the program.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Technology for Learning Society
British Columbia Waterfowl Society
5191 Robertson Road, Delta, British Columbia
The Sanctuary is located on the outskirts of the Village of Ladner, in Delta, BC. By the turn of the century, protective dykes had been built along the Fraser River to protect Ladner's thriving farming and fishing-based community from the Fraser River and the tidal waters of the Strait of Georgia.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Waterfowl Society
British Columbia's Children's Hospital Foundation
938 28th Ave W, Vancouver, British Columbia
Since 1982, BC Children's Hospital Foundation has worked with children, families, caregivers and hundreds of thousands of British Columbians to raise funds to support BC Children's Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the Child & Family Research Institute. BC Children's Hospital Foundation also works with Sunny Hill's Board of Directors to manage the Sunny Hill Foundation for Children.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia's Children's Hospital Foundation
British Columbia's Women's Hospital and Health Centre Foundation
4500 Oak Street, Room D310, Vancouver, British Columbia
BC Women's Foundation supports the Hospital's urgent and future priority needs through: Purchasing modern, state-of-the-art equipment and technology, Supporting program and service development and expansion, Supporting the Hospital's site redevelopment, Building research, education and training capacity
Keywords: Women
· Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia's Women's Hospital and Health Centre Foundation
Broadmead Care Foundation of BC
4579 Chatterton Way, Victoria, British Columbia
Volunteers play a vital role in making every moment matter for Broadmead Care residents and clients. We are grateful to the 150 volunteers who share approximately 1,200 hours of their time each month assisting staff to maintain an environment that supports retained abilities, celebrates successes, fosters hope, and promotes social involvement.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Broadmead Care Foundation of BC
Broadmead Care Society
4579 Chatterton Way, Victoria, British Columbia
Broadmead Care offers compassionate, person-centred care that helps people enjoy life to the fullest - regardless of circumstances that affect their health and well-being.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Broadmead Care Society
Broadway Youth Resource Centre
103 - 2780 East Broadway Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
The new Broadway Youth Resource Centre "Kwayatsut" building is also be the new home of the Broadway Youth Resource Centre where tenants can access community-based mental and physical health care; addictions services; household management and meal preparation; money management and community living skills. Kwayatsut (K-why-ah-sote) is from the Coast Salish language. The word holds the meaning of seeking one's power or spirit quest. The building was named by Chief Ian Campbell from the Squamish Nation. Kwayatsut has 30 youth beds with specific units for youth who are most vulnerable to homelessness: aboriginal youth, LGBTQ youth, and youth leaving foster care.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Homeless and Housing
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Employment and Careers
· Cultural Centres
· Children and Youth
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of Broadway Youth Resource Centre
Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation of Canada
8850 Osler St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation carries out the missions aiming to help the poor and educate the rich by reverently accepting Buddha's teaching of "expressing great kindness to all sentient beings, and taking their suffering as our own", and bearing in mind Venerable Master Yin Shun's aspiration of "being committed to Buddhism and to all living beings".
Keywords: Poverty
· International
· Environment
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation of Canada
Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management
1188 Main Street, Room 2, ground floor, Smithers, British Columbia
The Bulkley Valley Research Centre (BVRC) is an independent, not-for-profit society conducting high-quality, interdisciplinary research on natural and cultural resources. We create learning and extension opportunities for both our members and the community through workshops, conferences and other networking events, and support our community by promoting the region and investing locally. Our purpose is to provide the science required for sustainable resource management.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management