Volunteer in British Columbia, Canada
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Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in British Columbia.
If your organization is located in British Columbia and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.
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First Nations Social Development Society
707-100 Park Royal South, West Vancouver, British Columbia
After 15 years of service to First Nations communities and band social development workers across BC - Canada, AANDC has cut funding and our services are now closed as of September 30th, 2015. At this time AANDC has no plan for service support. We have a solution and will be announcing this over the next month in order to support our communities and clients.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of First Nations Social Development Society
First Nations Technology Council
100 Park Royal South, Suite 118, West Vancouver, British Columbia
The Technology Council was mandated back in 2002 to ensure that all of British Columbia's 203 First Nations communities have access to the Internet and the capacity to utilize digital technologies to the fullest potential.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of First Nations Technology Council
First Peoples' Cultural Council
1A Boat Ramp Road, Brentwood Bay, British Columbia
The First Peoples' Cultural Council is a First Nations-run Crown Corporation with a mandate to support the revitalization of Aboriginal language, arts and culture in British Columbia. We provide funding and resources to communities, monitor the status of First Nations languages and develop policy recommendations for First Nations leadership and government.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of First Peoples' Cultural Council
Footlight Theatre Company Society
6584 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
Footlight Theatre Company is a not-for-profit society musical theatre company based in Burnaby that produces small and large scale musicals at the James Cowan Theatre and Michael J. Fox Theatre, both located in Burnaby.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Footlight Theatre Company Society
For the Love of Parrots Refuge Society
2116 Alberni Hwy, Coombs, British Columbia
For the Love Of Parrots Refuge Society mandates to provide a Home For Life for previously owned pet and breeding parrots.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of For the Love of Parrots Refuge Society
Fored BC Society
4438 West 10 Ave, Suite 213, Vancouver, British Columbia
FORED operates on the assumption that informed citizens need to be environmentally literate. The association works with community stakeholders of all ages to achieve that goal.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Fored BC Society
Fraser Headwaters Alliance
6005 Brown Road, Dunster, British Columbia
The origin of the Fraser Headwaters Alliance dates back to 1988, when a group of Robson Valley residents came together to form one of the area's first conservation organization. Under the name Canoe-Robson Environmental Coalition (CREC), this group took on a variety of conservation issues including pesticide use and the conservation of old growth forests.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Fraser Headwaters Alliance
Fraser Valley Conservancy
Abbotsford, British Columbia
The Fraser Valley Conservancy was established in 1998 as a non governmental organization and charitable society enabled to protect land and water for future generations. We have secured 37 acres of wildlife habitat containing woodland forest, mature forests, creeks and wetlands that protects our health for our future.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Fraser Valley Conservancy
Fraser Valley Gilbert & Sullivan Society
12357 82A Avenue, Unit 2, Surrey, British Columbia
The Fraser Valley Gilbert and Sullivan Society has spent the last thirty-two years bringing musical theatre to the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.
The G & S, as it has become known, is a stalwart of high quality amateur theatre. The productions, whether light opera, English pantomime or broadway musical, are hilarious, fast-paced fun. They're almost as enjoyable to watch as they are to perform.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Fraser Valley Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Fraser Valley Gleaners Society
85 Winson, Abbotsford, British Columbia
Fraser Valley Gleaners Society (FVG) was established in 1999 as a registered society in BC. The concept was modeled after our sister organization, Okanagan Gleaners, and was initiated in the Fraser Valley by a small group of Christian believers who understood the incredible potential for locally available produce.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Fraser Valley Gleaners Society
Fraserside Community Services Society
519 Seventh St, 2nd Floor, New Westminster, British Columbia
Fraserside is inspired to create communities of belonging where the diversity of all people is welcome. Fraserside supports people needing housing, seeking work, with low income/or having developmental disabilities, mental health or substance use issues. Our focus is New Westminster and neighbouring communities.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Fraserside Community Services Society
Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society
596 Blueridge Avenue, North Vancouver, British Columbia
Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society (Friend 2 Friend) is a not-for-profit, federally registered charity, based in Vancouver BC, Canada.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
· Autism
Volunteer Profile of Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society
Friends in the West
Langley, British Columbia
The African Children's Choir is composed of African children, aged 7 to 10 years old. Many have lost one or both parents through the devastation of war, famine and disease. They represent all the children of a continent and they demonstrate the potential of African children to become strong leaders for a better future in their land.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends in the West
Friends of the Kelowna Fire Museum Society
2255 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, British Columbia
The Kelowna Fire Museum and Education Centre is operated by The Friends of the Kelowna Fire Museum Society. It is comprised of current and retired volunteer and career firefighters, as well as interested members of the public. The education centre will focus on the prevention of unintentional childhood injuries.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Kelowna Fire Museum Society
Friends of the Marine Ecology Station
9835 Seaport Place, Sidney, British Columbia
The Marine Ecology Centre is replaced by the new Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre [SODC] which opened June 20th, 2009
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Marine Ecology Station
Friends of the Morden Mine
260 Harwell Rd, Unit 29, Nanaimo, British Columbia
Welcome to the Friends of the Morden Mine website. We are a non-profit society dedicated to the preservation of the most complete above-ground remains of an historic coal mine on Vancouver Island and the earliest of two such reinforced concrete structures in North America. The still standing 74 foot (22.5 m.) head frame and adjacent tipple of what was once Morden Colliery are located in Morden Colliery Historic Provincial Park in South Wellington, just south of Nanaimo, British Columbia.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Morden Mine
Friends of the Sechelt Public Library
5797 Cowrie St., Sechelt, British Columbia
Friends of the Sechelt Public Library is an independent non-profit organization that was founded in 1997. It is made up of a passionate group of volunteers who raise funds on behalf of the library, promote literacy and learning and public awareness, and advocate for and strive to ensure that our Library continues to be a central and vital part of Sechelt.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Sechelt Public Library
Friends of West Kootenay Parks Society
P.O. Box 212, Nelson, British Columbia
The Friends of West Kootenay Parks Society is a non-profit charitable society. We work in co-operation with BC Parks to enhance the "park experience" for visitors to parks in the West Kootenay Region.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Friends of West Kootenay Parks Society
From Grief to Action
2490-37th Ave W., Vancouver, British Columbia
From Grief to Action is a volunteer-based not-for-profit association in British Columbia. We are a voice and a support network for families and friends affected by drug use.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of From Grief to Action
Full Circle: First Nations Performance Society
1577 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, British Columbia
`Full Circle' evokes many images: inclusiveness, wholeness, a full gathering. It is both a traditional symbol of completion and of continuous movement - action with no beginning or end.
Keywords: Theatre
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Full Circle: First Nations Performance Society
Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
Box 56, Gabriola, British Columbia
GaLTT is a land trust focused on Gabriola Island, BC. Our focus is securing access to and enabling the creation of parks and trails, managing parks and trails, and public education and raising awareness.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
Gardens on Anderton
2012 Anderton Rd, Comox, British Columbia
The Anderton Therapeutic Gardens Society (ATGS) is a volunteer society that operates The Gardens on Anderton, located in Comox, BC, promoting health and wellness by providing a unique garden experience through diverse, enjoyable, and interactive activities for people of all ages and abilities.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Gardens on Anderton
Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society
3873 Swan Lake Road, Suite 209, Victoria, British Columbia
The Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team (GOERT) Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the recovery of Garry oak and associated ecosystems in Canada and the species at risk that inhabit them. While the Society was incorporated in BC in 2007, and received charitable status in 2009, the organization has its roots in a long-standing multi-stakeholder partnership comprised of experts from all levels of government, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, First Nations, volunteers and consultants who first came together in 1999 out of a common interest in conserving and restoring these unique ecosystems and the species that comprise them.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society
George Derby Long Term Care Society
7550 Cumberland St, Burnaby, British Columbia
George Derby Centre is a community-based care facility situated in a park-like setting in Burnaby, BC. Through a unique partnership with Veterans Affairs Canada and Fraser Health, we are proud to offer complex care and services to Canadian Veterans of the Armed Forces and seniors whose needs can no longer be met in the community.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of George Derby Long Term Care Society
Georgia Strait Alliance
195 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia
For 25 years, Georgia Strait Alliance has been an effective voice for communities who care about the waters of Georgia Strait and all the creatures that call it home. We are that voice because we collaborate with individuals, businesses and government to achieve to protect and restore the marine environment and promoting the sustainability of Georgia Strait, its adjoining waters, and communities.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Georgia Strait Alliance
German Shepherd Rescue of B.C.
86014 Vedder Road, Unit 27, Chilliwack, British Columbia
At GSRBC each individual has an important role to play in the charity's overall success. We all need the ability to be able to work and make decisions independently, but everyone must also be a teamplayer. We strive to communicate effectively with each other and share the highs and lows of our efforts to help animals. Sometimes it can be harrowing and heartbreaking work, but it is also often rewarding and uplifting. We all count ourselves lucky to be part of the GSRBC family and to be making a real difference to animals' lives.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of German Shepherd Rescue of B.C.
Get Bear Smart Society
Box 502, Whistler, British Columbia
The Get Bear Smart Society's goal is to minimize the number of bears killed as a result of human-caused problems. We accomplish this by helping the public prevent conflict at their homes, work and play; championing policymakers to create Bear Smart communities; and encouraging police and bear managers to choose non-lethal bear management practices.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Get Bear Smart Society
Get Youth Working
All British Columbia, British Columbia
Get Youth Working! Program funding is provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Job Fund. The Program offers employers a $2,800 hiring incentive (up to 3 employees per employer at $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training for the newly hired youth.
Keywords: Employment and Careers
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Get Youth Working
Gibsons Family Network
532 Spyglass Pl, Gibsons, British Columbia
Gibsons Family Network (GFN) is a non-profit charitable organization with a vision of helping people with disabilities to find meaningful, integrated employment and support within our community.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Gibsons Family Network
Gibsons Public Art Gallery
287 Gower Point Road, Gibsons, British Columbia
Located in the heart of historic Gibsons, BC, Gibsons Public Art Gallery is part of a lively arts and heritage community that supports five outstanding commercial galleries, several artists' studios, a heritage museum and this public non-profit art gallery. We'd love to have you come and visit. Gibsons is just a 40 minute ferry ride from Vancouver in Beautiful British Columbia.
Keywords: Galleries
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Gibsons Public Art Gallery
Glasshouse Capacity Services Society
131 Water Street, Suite 107, Vancouver, British Columbia
Glasshouse Capacity Services Society is a unique niche service provider. As a registered charity, our mandate is to focus on providing cost effective services to other charities and non-profits within the Vancouver lower mainland region. Our focus rests on streamlining organizational operations for charities and non-profits alike in order to facilitate their success.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Glasshouse Capacity Services Society
Global Emergency Missions Society
2870 Crossley Dr, Abbotsford, British Columbia
GEMS is an organization of ordinary people who believe that ordinary people do make a difference when they work together. Committed to bringing relief to people hurt by both poverty and disasters, we gather and facilitate the distribution of humanitarian goods (such as blankets, clothing, food, medical supplies, housing and construction equipment) to the places of need around the world.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Global Emergency Missions Society
Globe Foundation of Canada
999 Canada Place, Suite 578, Vancouver, British Columbia
In 1993 the GLOBE Foundation, a not-for-profit private business Foundation, was established in Vancouver to carry forward our mandate to promote the business case for sustainable development. Our philosophy? Companies can do well by doing good without sacrificing the bottom line, and environmental challenges bring enormous opportunity for the business sector.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Globe Foundation of Canada
Gospel Mission
331 Carrall Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Gospel Mission is located in the downtown eastside of Vancouver and is the oldest mission in the city and the oldest in Canada. It has been in operation since 1929 and has been at it's present location since the 1940's.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Gospel Mission
Grand Forks Art Gallery Society
524 Central Avenue, Grand Forks, British Columbia
Gallery 2 celebrates Art and Heritage as essential parts of the human experience.
The purpose of the Society is to establish a public, non-profit organization, in the city of Grand Forks and its surrounding region, dedicated to the professional advancement of cultural assets.
Keywords: Galleries
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Grand Forks Art Gallery Society
Grandview-Woodland Community Police Office Society
1977 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Grandview-Woodland Community Policing Centre is dedicated to providing crime prevention assistance and education to the Commercial Drive corridor and surrounding area. Members of the community are encouraged, through education and engagement in volunteering with the GWCPC, to become active participants for increasing safety awareness and decreasing opportunities for crime to occur.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Crime Prevention
Volunteer Profile of Grandview-Woodland Community Police Office Society
Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve Society
5200 Sumas Prairie Rd, Chilliwack, British Columbia
The Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve Society manages the programs and services on a 325 acre wetlands located on the un-dyked floodplain of the Vedder River. The site is known for the large breeding colony of Great Blue Herons nesting from March to July.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve Society
Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society
1150 Raymur Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
While we continue to provide assistance to help address the immediate needs of the community, we also recognize that emergency food as a standalone is not a long-term solution. In 2013 we completed the organization's first strategic plan and are moving beyond food in isolation into a model that helps foster a path towards self-sufficiency. This is a model rooted in education, empowerment and sustainability.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society
Greater Vancouver Zoo
5048 - 264th Street, Aldergrove, British Columbia
The mission of the Greater Vancouver Zoo is to engage visitors in recreational, educational and conservation-oriented activities about animals and the zoo environment, to promote respect for and connectedness with the natural world.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Greater Vancouver Zoo
Greater Victoria Green Team
Victoria, British Columbia
The Greater Victoria Green Team is part of the Green Teams of Canada charity (www.greenteamscanada.com), and works to connect people to a range of conservation and environmental projects throughout the Capital Regional District (Victoria, BC).
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Greater Victoria Green Team
Greater Victoria Public Library Board
735 Broughton St, Victoria, British Columbia
We provide services in 10 libraries and through our website to almost 300,000 residents in 10 municipalities. Mission: To Provide universal access to secure and safe library services, to foster the love of reading and to enhance the quality of life in our communities.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Greater Victoria Public Library Board
Greater Victoria Volunteer Society
620 View St, Suite 306, Victoria, British Columbia
Volunteer Victoria educates more than 1,600 local youth to help them grow, connect, and make a difference though volunteerism
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Greater Victoria Volunteer Society
Green Chair Recycling
3-12240 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, British Columbia
Green Chair is a locally owned waste management business dedicated to providing simple and effective recycling solutions to enhance your community.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Green Chair Recycling
Green Teams of Canada
800-15355 24th Ave, Suite 114, Surrey, British Columbia
Green Teams of Canada was inspired by the Lower Mainland Green Team volunteers and was founded in October 2013. We restore, conserve and enhance our natural environment by engaging volunteers in educational hands-on activities.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Green Teams of Canada
Greenpeace Canada
Branch: British Columbia
1726 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Greenpeace Canada
Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary
800 - 15355 - 24th Avenue, Box #441, (mailing address only), Surrey, British Columbia
Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary is a registered non-profit society whose purpose is to protect and enhance the quality of life for exotic birds.
So much of what we do revolves around our generous foster homes and our sanctuary location. We also provide various programs to the public, such as Education Outreach and Pet Therapy.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary
Habitat Acquisition Trust
316-620 View St., Victoria, British Columbia
Habitat Acquisition Trust is a regional land trust that conserves nature on south Vancouver Island. We envision a future where the full array of natural habitats on south Vancouver Island and southern Gulf Islands is healthy and conserved.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Habitat Acquisition Trust
Habitat for Humanity Mid-Vancouver Island Society
4128 Mostar Road, Unit 1, Nanaimo, British Columbia
We are a non-profit, non-government, charitable organization with a mission to reduce poverty housing by building simple, decent, affordable homes. These homes are sold to qualifying low-income families at current market value, with no downpayment and an interest-free mortgage.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Habitat for Humanity Mid-Vancouver Island Society
Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast
4397 Sunshine Coast Highway, Sechelt, British Columbia
Habitat for Humanity Canada has over fifty-seven affiliate organizations across the country including one on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast
Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society
768 Westbury Rd, Victoria, British Columbia
The Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society is a non-profit organization composed of farmers, neighbours of Haliburton Farm, educators, and community members interested in sustainable, organic agriculture.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society